Chapter 5

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**After a very long wait I finally have another part for you! I am so so sorry! I had to finish up school before I even had time to actually write on the story. Hope you enjoy^^**

It had been a couple weeks now since they left their old home. The cops have finally been alerted after a week. Touya made sure that they walked further and tried to make sure that they left no trace behind that they were there. They had to cross a street at some point when the woods ended and head right back into the woods on the other side. At this point Touya thought it might be okay for them to stay somewhere for a few days before leaving as long as the place was nice enough. Right now it was around noon and they were as per usual by now, walking through the woods.

"Touya-nii~... I'm tired! Can we take a break?" Fuyumi whined as she wasn't the only one tired, Shouto and Natsuo were tired as well.

"Mm... Okay.. it looks like it's gonna rain anyway.. Let's take some shelter in that little cave like rock.." Touya said and headed over to the big hill and crawled under the rock that had a little dug out like a cave.

Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Shouto all crawled under as well and sat their bags down. Shouto grabbed his teddy from his bag and hugged it close. Fuyumi laid back as Natsuo leaned against the back of the rock.

"You guys must be hungry.. We didn't eat breakfast today.. We can share a pack of pop tarts from when we got some more food from that grocery store a while ago.." Touya said and went into his bag.

"Ah! Is that really okay Touya-nii? What if we run out?" Fuyumi asked worriedly.

"It's fine.. Let your Nii-chan worry about that.. We'll make it.. I'll make sure of it.." Touya said and grabbed a pack of poptarts, splitting both pieces in half and giving a half to everyone.

They all ate their piece of poptart as they walked. Shouto was getting really tired. His eye's injury was all healed up now and just needed to have lotion applied to it every now and then. It seemed like they'd been walking for two days straight by now. But they soon came to a stop when Touya saw an abandoned looking motel. He saw the road that had trees blocking wherever it led out too. Touya smiled as it looked like nobody had even set foot on the land in years.

"Guys.. I think I just found us a place we can stay for a while.. We can clean up one of the rooms and it'll be perfect.. It's not a forever home.. But it should do for now.." Touya said and smiled. He was glad they finally came across something they could stay in, and they were far enough from home, having walked for two weeks straight.

"Woah!... it's like having our own mansion!" Natsuo said and smiled as he perked up a bit.

"Me and Natsu will start working on cleaning once we find a room to stay in.. the mattress is definitely gonna need cleaning.. But we'll get it.." Fuyumi said as they headed for the front office.

Touya opened the door and walked in as his siblings followed him. Touya looked around, looking for any master key or something. He found an old paper instead that was from about five years ago.

"Ah.. looks like the place went out of business because of the new road.. No one was coming this way anymore.. And now the grass and stuff started to grow again.. At least we know it wasn't for a bad reason.." Touya said and sat the paper back down as Fuyumi smiled.

"Touya-Nii! I think I found the master key.. We can go find us a room now.." Fuyumi said and smiled.

"Great! Let's go and get us a room. We'll see if we can find one that won't take much cleaning." Touya said and waved them to follow as he held Shouto's hand again.

After searching for a bit they found a room that didn't require a lot of cleaning. They all sat their bags down and started to clean up their new home for a while. Touya went to check out the bathroom. He hummed and looked around. There were spiders but he made little flames to kill all the insects and spider eggs. He found an Ice bucket in the bathroom from when the place was running. He went over to Natsuo.

"Hey Natsu! Fill this with Ice! I need water and the water lines aren't gonna work here. We'll have to just make our own bath water with ice and my flames. I don't want Shou using his till I teach him how to use it properly. I don't want him getting burnt a lot like me." Touya said as he held the bucket out.

"Sure Nii-san. Me and Fuyumi are gonna shake the dust and everything out of the sheets. You can have Shou help you in the bathroom." Natsuo said and filled the bucket up with Ice.

"Sure. Come on Shou. You can help me get the bathroom all sparkly instead of nasty." Touya said as he melted the ice to water and headed to the bathroom as Shouto followed only nodding.

Touya found some old washcloths. He shook them off and then dipped them in the water. He rung them out and handed one to Shouto. He told him to wash the dirt off the tub since it was at his level as he worked on the sink, window sill, and walls since they had webs all over. Shouto was happy to help with the cleaning since he couldn't help with much else at his age. After like an hour the bathroom was as clean as it was gonna get.

"Okay Shou.. Let's go and help in the bedroom." Touya said and dumped the dirty water out through the window as he decided to air the place out.

"Okay Nii-chan." Shouto said and went to follow Touya back to the bedroom/living space.

"Hey Fuyu? Natsu? How far did you make it in here?" Touya asked as he looked around. The beds were cleaned completely off and only had pillows on them, the tables were cleaned off now, and the couch didn't have cushions either.

"Okay... I guess they're getting aired out?" Touya asked.

"Yea.. they stunk from not being used in so long. And they were covered in dust. So we shook everything off and sat them on the balcony." Fuyumi answered and Natsuo nodded.

"Okay. We just gotta bring them back in before it gets too dark.. Me and Shou are gonna go and look for candles or something for lights. If you two need us we'll be somewhere on this floor. If we're gonna go on a different one we'll come back and tell you." Touya said and headed out with Shouto.

After around twenty minutes, Touya and Shouto came back with three lanterns. Touya sat them on the small table and Shouto sat the one he was holding beside the two Touya sat down. They looked around the room and the cushions were back on the small couch. The blankets and sheets are still on the balcony airing out. The room looked to be about as clean as it was gonna get though.

"Wow.. The room looks a lot better. Me and Shou found some lanterns.. It should be enough to light up this room.. If not there is one in every room. We can get more in the morning." Touya said and picked up a very tired Shouto.

"Okay Nii-san. The bed should be made in a bit. The sheets will be aired out in a bit. Shou can sleep on the couch. We put the blanket we brought with us on it. Should be comfy enough." Fuyumi said as she was setting their bags on top of the dresser.

Touya nodded and grabbed Shouto's teddy and then took him over to the couch. He laid Shouto down and gave him the teddy. He sat down beside him and rubbed his back gently till Shouto fell asleep. After Shouto fell asleep he got up and helped Fuyumi and Natsuo with putting the sheets back on the bed.

After a while they finished the whole cleaning up and the sun was starting to go down. Touya went to the lanterns and lit them with his quirk before spreading them around the room to spread the light. He saw Fuyumi and Natsuo already laying on the bed exhausted. Touya was glad they found a place to stay for a bit instead of constantly moving. He felt bad for making them walk for so long with little food. But now they could at least get a good rest.

When Shouto woke up after about an hour Touya split two big granola bars in half and gave everyone half. After they all ate and drank a bit of water, Touya had everyone lay down. He was ready to sleep comfortably for the first night in a while. Touya on one end of the bed, Natsuo on the other. Shouto and Fuyumi in the middle of them as they slowly drifted to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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