Chapter 22- The Birthday Bonanza

Start from the beginning

"Now, I know you don't like jewellery", Lightning began, fastening it to her, "but I had a very special reason for getting you this necklace. This", he gestured to the star, "is a wishing star. You wear this and all your dreams'll come true."

It was so corny that Fudge didn't know how anybody else stopped themselves from laughing. Even so, she really did appreciate it. She needed all the luck and wishes and whatnot she could get.

"Plus", he went on, "don't you think it makes you look beautiful?"

She blushed. "Thanks, Lightning. It's really nice."

"You sure it's not corny?"

"Well, yeah", she admitted, making everyone laugh, "but I still really like it."

"I'm glad you do." He gave her a kiss.

"Open this one next!" Mater cried, hurling another present at the girl.

"And this one's from you!"

More laughter came from the group.

When Fudge opened up all of her presents, she found she'd received quite a haul. She got lots of books and toys and DVDs and clothes and lots of other things she could still use in her current condition. Even a new iPod! Lightning also got her a very familiar penguin, sporting a jacket, hat and goggles.

"It's Hugsy!" Fudge squealed. It was the exact same stuffed penguin Joey from Friends had!

"Yeah, it is!" Lightning grinned.

"Maybe you'll get the more fun stuff for Christmas", Lightning suggested with a smile once Fudge had finished opening her presents. "We're hoping you'll be better by then."

"Me too..." Fudge studied her pile of presents. "These are all really cool! And I got Hugsy!" She hugged the penguin.

Lightning smiled proudly. "I'm glad you like it."

"And Guido and I have a wonderful idea for a Christmas present for you once you are better", Luigi added. "We would have given you it now, but we think it should wait."

"Well, I hate to break up the party", a doctor piped up, "but it's time for Fudge to rest now."

"Okay. We'll be back soon", the RS gang promised her, giving her kisses. "We love you, Fudge! We'll have fun later, all right?"

As Fudge lay back in her bed, she couldn't help smiling. Her morning had lifted her spirits up quite a lot.

Fudge lay in bed, resting and napped a little. Then she got to visit the children's room where she and the rest of her family got to hang out with all the other kids who were in hospital. Everyone wished her a happy birthday. Then they played a whole bunch of games, which made her laugh and she really had fun.

Hours later, when Fudge was awake from another nap and she was reading one of the new books she'd received that day she heard the door open.

"Hey, honey!" Flo called out.

"Hi, guys!" she greeted them excitedly.

"How's it going, man?" Fillmore wanted to know.

"Great!" she replied, grinning. "What's up?"

"We ain't done celebratin' your birthday, chica!" Ramone informed her.

"We're not?!"

"Nope!" Lightning laughed.

That was when the thirteen-year-old noticed Guido and Lightning coming in, each weighed down by a huge box and Flo had a much smaller box. "So, what are we gonna do now?" she wondered.

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