One ❄️

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"Mom, I'm really busy."

It isn't the best greeting to the woman who gave him life, but Harry truly doesn't have time to talk about their annual Christmas family getaway for half an hour when it's the same each year. Go to their cabin in Dutch Country, get there at around 4PM on December 22nd, bring a smile and your Christmas sweater.

"Sweetie," Anne scoffs on the other side of the line. "If you want to cause complete disorganization because you can't spare two minutes for your mother then fine, have it your way."

"Sorry," Harry says offhandedly, putting the call on speakers and setting it down on his desk. He continues to type away on his laptop, trying to finish a monotonous assignment as fast as he can.

"I just wanted to check in to ask if you are bringing your boyfriend over?"

Harry stops in his tracks, his fingers uselessly hovering over the keyboard. He thought his mom would've forgotten about the imaginary boyfriend he created a few months after his breakup with Logan so she would get off his back about his being lonely. Yes, Harry might've cried for a week in his bed and yes, he wanted to settle down with Logan and live happily ever after, but things don't always work that way. Since then, Harry has pieced his heart back together and he hasn't gotten into any new relationships because for once in his life, he's enjoying the freedom of simply messing around and being young. Anne, however, is still under the impression that Harry needs someone by his side to keep him together, to keep him from being lonely or whatever.

By Harry's lies, he should be in a pretty serious relationship now.

"Uh, no, he isn't coming," Harry says after an awkward pause, getting back to his work.

"Oh? Why not? Harry, you need to bring him over. Everyone's coming with a partner, you can't be alone. And I want to meet him. It's been ages since you've first mentioned him. You've been keeping him a secret long enough. I get that you were a bit wary about bringing home someone new after Logan but-"

Covering his eyes with his left hand, Harry sighs, interrupting his mom. "Fine, I'll bring him over. But I'm not promising anything because he has a family too and he might want to be with them."

"Try your best, okay honey?" Anne chirps. "Then give me a call as soon as you know. Love you, sweetie. Good luck with exams."

"Love you," Harry replies numbly, before whispering a low "Fuck" once the line is dead.

Wonderful, truly wonderful. How is he going to find a boyfriend in two fucking weeks? This is karma, actual karma for lying about a boyfriend that doesn't exist. He learns about the inner workings of the human mind all day and then he goes and pulls this kinda shit himself. Christmas is either going to end up a disaster or smothered in more lies.


Harry has friends that are sometimes too good to be true. From hauling his drunk ass back to his dorm almost every weekend, to quizzing him for exams when he's at his wits' end, a literal human ball of stress, they prove themselves to be angels bestowed to Harry from high heavens to look over him when he's being a dumbass (which is arguably quite often). Now, Niall is the one to save him from embarrassment and cheap excuses for his mom.

After complaining about the whole Christmas ordeal in a Subway while they ate lunch, Niall ever so graciously came up with a plan so good, Harry will continue to thank him for it for the rest of his life, however long that may be.

"It's simple," Niall shrugs, taking another bite of his sandwich. "I'll go with ya. Your mum will love me."

"Really? You would do that?" Harry widens his eyes. "Without trying to seduce my mom?"

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