Was that a mistake? - Chapter 16

Comincia dall'inizio

"Throwback?" Michael refocused. "Like, the Mountain Dew flavor?" He asked.

Eric snapped his neck towards Michael. "Don't get any ideas." He scolded.

Michael propped his feet up on the couch. "Too late~." He teased as he started the game.

"I hate you..." Eric mumbled.

"What'cha gonna do? Shock me?" I asked, sticking my tongue out.

Eric just grumbled at me.

~Another time Squip~

"HOW THE FUCK DID Y/N WIN?!" Michael yelled as he stood up and threw his controller on the couch.

"Good question," I said, sitting up to stretch. "And, according to what you said earlier, 'next game takes all', and I'm pretty sure that was the next game sooooo." I boasted.

Michael grumbled and walked upstairs. "I'm grabbing food!" He announced.

Eric turned around and rested his chin on my knee to face me. "Why, hello there, Eric." I chuckled with a smile. I repositioned my hand in his hair, I had been running my hands through it one way this entire time, but this time I started to make it go it totally different directions.

"Wait- wait wait- no no no-" Eric tried to fix his hair. "Stop, only make swoop to the right, not in every direction!" Eric whined.

I giggled and just continued to mess his hair up. After a couple of attempts to have me stop messing with his hair, Eric eventually just gave up and let it happen.

Michael finally walked down the stairs with sodas and an entire tub of ice cream with two spoons. Michael handed me a bottle of sprite, which I opened with ease. I took a small sip, it tasted a little different, but I just put it down and decided to drink more in a minute. It has been a while since I drank sprite.

I opened the ice cream tub and witnessed Michael practically shove his face in the bucket. I laughed at the scene and pushed Michael's face away from the bin. Michael and I then continued to eat the ice cream like normal people, although Eric kept staring at the tub.

"Eric? Do you want some?" I asked him, going in for another scoop of it.

Eric broke his state and looked at me. "Well... I mean... I've never eaten anything before, I'm not even sure what will happen if I do in my physical form." He said.

I shrugged and handed him an ice cream filled spoon. "Well, you're about to find out." I giggled.

Michael propped his feet back up on the couch. "That's actually really sad that he's never eaten anything." He admitted.

I shrugged. "He hasn't done a lot of things, he was only "born" about a month ago, sooooooo." I paused and did air quotes on the word born. We looked back over to Eric who just seemed to be staring at the ice cream on the spoon. "Oh for heaven's sake-" I pushed his hand slightly towards him. "Just eat it! It's not poison!" I laughed.

Eric shrugged and put the ice cream in his mouth. I swear, if this was an anime or cartoon, then his eye would have just become stars. He looked like he had seen the light and he never wanted to look back.

The spoon was still hanging from his mouth so I slowly took it out of his mouth for comedic purposes. I turned to Michael who appeared to be dying of laughter. "He looks like a little kid!" Michael laughed.

I smiled and put my hands on his cheeks. "He's so adorable!" I said to myself aloud.

Michael playfully kicked my back and laughed. "Yeah yeah, shut up and drink your sprite!" He threw the bottle at me.

But, you're just a computer... [SQUIP x Fem. Reader]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora