"You're only 18, correct?" I nodded, "So you left home at 16?"

"Indeed, I just knew it was what would be best for my career. Plus a few of my Dutch teammates were there so it seemed like the perfect club. When'd you start playing for Barca?"

"I was at Collerense's B team when I was 14 then I played for their top team from 15 to 17 when I moved to Barca and have been there ever since."

Viv suddenly barged in, "Hey Stef and Lieke are coming over to our condo for dinner tonight, you guys should join them!"

Lieke turned to the Dutch striker, "Viv that'd be a great idea," she looked back at her teammates, "You guys really should come, get to know a few of my dutchies."

"I mean I don't have anything tonight," Mapi looked at her teammates for reassurance, "We'd love to come."

"Perfect!" Lisa piped in, "Lieke and Stef have all the information so just come along with them."

"We'll see you guys tonight!" Lieke said as she and her teammates began to walk away.

"Bye Mata," Patri quietly spoke.

"Bye Patri." I smiled. Cute, young, and single

We turned and started walking towards the showers, I can't wait for tonight.

Patri's POV

I feel Mapi's hands forcefully land on my shoulders, "Baby Patri's got a little crush!"

I brush her hands off me, "Says who?"

"Says the way you looked at her," Jenni laughed.

"She obviously likes you too so don't be embarrassed," Alexia added.

Maybe I do like her, but there's no way she likes me.

"Why would I even like her? We just met."

"Um maybe because she's fucking 6'2 and hot as shit," Mapi nearly yelled.

"Maybe you should go for her instead of me, Mapi," I responded. Why'd I say that I don't want Mapi asking her out, who'd say no to Mapi?

"But I would never do that because I'm a good friend and you like her."

I just rolled my eyes as we began walking to the locker rooms. 

Once everyone finished showering we left the stadium and headed back to the hotel. I was rooming with Mapi so of course that left me with the joys of Mapi teasing me over my new crush.

Mapi closed the door and immediately started, "So, I can tell you like her why won't you just tell me? I can help you get the girl."

"Fine, yes I like her, but how you be any help anyways it's not like you have a girlfriend."

Mapi placed her hand over her heart "Ouch, but I have my ways."

We were expected at dinner around 7 pm which now it was nearing 6:30 so Lieke texted us to meet in the lobby at 7:15 to pass the time I searched Mata on Instagram. I saw her most recent post from today a photo of her going up for a header and then also one of her with her head in her hands, clearly disappointed.


"Quality match from the girls tonight would've loved to pull a win today, but that's always tough against a worthy opponent."

After seeing a few of my teammates add a comment I joined in.

patri8guijarro: Great meeting you today, excited for dinner!

Once I posted the comment I followed her and then turned off my phone when I heard Mapi yell, "Get off your phone and let's get down to the lobby so you can go see your girl." I rolled my eyes and followed her out of the room.

We get down to the lobby and the rest of the girls are already waiting, "Finally you two decided to show up, the uber has been her for almost five minutes," an annoyed Jenni announced.

Mapi and I apologized and we all walked out to the uber and crowded the car. Once we get in the car I noticed a notification.

Mata_debakker followed you

@patri8guijarro lovely meeting you as well I can see why Lieke talks so highly of you.

"What is your girlfriend texting you?" Mapi asked.

I shut my phone off and looked over, "What? Mapi I don't have a girlfriend we've talked one time."

"Everyone does say that lesbians move fast," Jenni added.

"Says you," I pointed to her and Alexia, "you two moved in after two weeks of dating. TWO WEEKS!" 

"Yeah yeah pipe down," The captain responds.

We finally arrive at the condo and we all storm out of the car.

Here we go

Two Young StarsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ