"Hey Joe," I greeted Joe, the door man, at the front and handed him his usual stick of gum whenever I came home, in return he provided me with a mint to drench out the stench of alcohol that came with my late night/early morning arrivals

"Hey Jem, how was your night?" He asked unwrapping the gum

"It was great, but I’m really tired. Are you working your morning shift?" I asked him

"No, I have the night shift again, but Steven will be here," He answered me as I held out my hand for him to put the empty gum wrapper in

"Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow night then Joe," I told him as I threw the gum wrapper away and plopped the mint into my mouth

"Morning Mags," I yawned waving to Maggie, the clerk, as I walked past the front desk towards the elevators

"Hey Jem, the elevators have been a bit slow lately, I think it’ll be faster if you take the stairs," Maggie said

"The stairs? I live on the fifteenth floor are you crazy?" 

"The technician isn’t coming till tomorrow so it’ll be a fifteen minute ride up there Jem," Maggie warned me

"I’ll end up falling asleep on the staircase, if I decide to walk it," I yelled to her pressing the elevator button

I crossed my arms waiting for the elevator to make it’s slow descent, it was slow in general but now it was like waiting for a turtle to walk a mile or maybe it was just my impatience… either way it was slow as hell and all I wanted to do was sleep

I was hearing a lot of shuffling coming near me and I was very confused considering the fact that it was half past 3 in the morning. I knew I was a tiny bit intoxicated but not enough for me to be hearing things. Five minutes had already passed and the elevator shaft was still coming down from the twelfth floor and I was already to pass out right then and there. I leaned my back against the side of the elevator doors letting my weight hover from leg to leg as I forced my eyes to stay open when I started hearing even louder noises coming closer

"I know right? It’s sick, it looks even nicer than the pictures," I heard an Aussie accent come from around the corner in a group of guys

Four were boys who looked about my age and there were three other huge and buff men wearing all black who made everything look minuscule compared to them. THe sound of rolling suitcases and the carrying of boxes was a sight that was all too familiar for me. New tenants. The building was so big that this was probably going to be the last time in a long time that I’d actually bump into these guys again so I didn’t think much of it. I wasn’t trying to impress anyone and I was too tired to even try, so I maintained my position leaning against the wall with my eye lids falling every passing second as the elevator shaft seemed to move barely even a millimeter every minute

"The elevators here are too damn slow," I heard one of the big muscular guys grumble as he aggressively pushed against the buttons of each elevator

"Their all having problems tonight, I’m not sure why, but they’ll be having technicians to fix it by tomorrow," I said to him

"Then you won’t have a problem with us taking your elevator will you sweetheart?" The same guy asked rhetorically as if I was actually going to say yes

"There’s this thing called sharing, I’m pretty sure you learn it in grade school or did you get held back a few classes?" I told him not willing to tolerate any type of bullshit tonight

Normally, I wouldn’t have even said anything that came close to that proximity of sass, but the amount of alcohol made me forget about the consequences of my actions, so the mixture of intoxication and exhaustion was basically making my mouth blurt anything that came to my mind by now. I heard the younger guys who looked about my age make ooooh noises like this was the first time anyone ever stood up to whoever that man was, which is unfortunate because it was obvious that someone should have done it a long time ago

My words shut him up real quick and thankfully the tension started to disperse once the elevator doors finally opened. The man never spoke one word to me, but I could tell he was pretty pissed. I learned a long time ago from living in this city that you shouldn’t have to take shit from anyone especially someone who was acting like a complete dick head

I took my place in the corner as I watched the bright red headed boy click the open button to keep the elevator doors from closing as the rest of them began piling in the many sets of luggages and boxes

"Ah fuck, there’s still another load of boxes in the car," The black haired boy with tattoos groaned

"I’ll keep it open, just be quick alright?" The red headed boy said as the group of guys walked away

"Can’t you just drop the boxes you have here on whatever floor you need it to be on and they can bring it up themselves?" I suggested trying to find an excuse to get to my room faster

"You see, that would be a really smart idea… if I had the room key," He sighed 

"Well, we’re going to be here a while," I breathed leaning my against the back of the elevator

I was constantly listening for another ding coming from one of the other elevators to open, but of course I heard nothing

"So, which one are you? Luke, Calum, Michael, or Ashton?" I asked reading the marked boxes in front of me

"Shit, you know who we are?" The boy asked quickly turning towards me with a sudden rush of anxiety hitting him as he hovered over me with full concern on his face

"Well I could possibly know who you are, but I could also know how to read," I gestured to the boxes with the black bolded names Michael, Calum, Luke, and Ashton on them

"I-uh- oh yeah…" He said awkwardly before we both looked to the elevator doors at the sound of it shutting

In that same moment, the elevator began moving, the quickness of the movement made him lose his balance and push his body onto mine keeping his hands on the railings by my sides to steady himself making me stand uncomfortably close to him

My hands instinctively went to his chest which was basically pushed against mine to keep him from completely falling on top of me

Before I could even think, the next thing I saw was nothing. Complete and utter darkness filled the elevator shaft and my hands were basically in fists, clutching his tshirt for security and my breathing started to intensify through the amount of anxiety coursing through my veins. I was never a big fan of the dark and being in a cramped elevator with a complete stranger made it ten times worse

"Oh my god, I’m so sorry I-" I began to say before the elevator made a quick downward movement and an abrupt stop in between

My arms immediately wrapped around his waist trying to find any source of stability as I felt one of his arms protectively clutch me close to his chest. For some reason, instead of being scared, I felt safe. I didn’t even know the guys name, but in that moment, I couldn’t imagine being stuck in an elevator with anyone else except for him. Shit. I’m stuck in a god damn elevator with a complete stranger at 3 in the morning. What the hell have you gotten yourself into Jemma?

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