The Fairy Godmother Always Comes to the Rescue

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Blair paced her tiny attic room, walking in circles until she was dizzy. It was Christmas Day, the Humphrey Christmas had started with the opening of the presents by the tree, Dan had gotten a motorbike, Hannah had gotten a new iphone and Blair had gotten a toilet brush so that she could clean the toilets in the diner...

Blair didn't mind though, she was going to a ball at the Met!

At least she thought she was, she didn't have anything to wear, she didn't know what time to be there and she didn't know the name of the person who had invited her. All things that would probably make any normal person decide not to go. But Blair was determined, everyday she dreamed of being whisked away, back to the Upper East Side, where she belonged and being taken to a ball just like a princess.

As much as she disliked her step family, it seemed she had no other choice but to ask Hannah if she could borrow a dress. Blair made her way down the rickety steps of their Brooklyn apartment to Hannah's room. She knocked on the door and a muffled, "Come in!" rang out.

Blair slowly opened the door, despite Hannah being younger than her, she still had the bigger bedroom. It stretched far back, with a walk in closet and an en suite bathroom, the wallpaper was cream, covered in green trees that made the room look like a forest. Hannah was sitting on her massive Queen sized bed, awkwardly trying fit her foot into some high heeled boots.

"Hey, Hannah," Blair called, "I was wondering if you had a dress I could borrow?" Blair asked, not getting her hopes up. 

Hannah went still, having squeezed her foot into the shoe, "Why?" She asked suspiciously.

"I've just got a friends party to go to..." Blair lied, kind of.

Hannah narrowed her eyes, "No. If you touch anything in here, I will personally kill you." She said matter of factly. 

Blair had to do everything she could not to roll her eyes, Hannah stood up, the black dress she was wearing barely covered her butt and her long blonde hair was curled, her eyes so covered in black eye shadow, mascara and eye liner, they resembled pandas.

"Where are you going, anyway?" Blair asked, taking in the full force of Hannah's look.

Hannah shrugged, putting a gold hoop earring in, "Carter's taking me out." She said.

"Carter as in Carter Bazien?" Blair asked, she had heard of Carter Bazien when she was at school, he was a couple years older than Blair and by all accounts was an absolute twat.

"Yes, Carter Bazien." Hannah sighed, obviously bored with talking to Blair, "Go on tell me how you don't approve so I can tell you that I don't care."

"Well, he's quite a bit older than you isn't he?"

Hannah rolled her eyes, shooing Blair out of her room, "You sound like an old woman, he's only 25!"

"And you're 18!" Blair protested as she was pushed out of the room, Hannah followed her out and then turned to lock her bedroom door.

"Exactly, I'm an adult who can make my own decisions Blair, Dad is fine with it so you should be too." Hannah brushed past, and waltzed down the stairs like she owned them. Just has Hannah was disappearing Dan emerged from his room, book in one hand, empty coffee cup in another.

"Are you ok with her just flouncing off with Carter Baizen to god knows where?" Blair asked him. Dan looked up, a frown on his face like he was confused about who had spoken.

He looked her up and down for a moment then said, "...aren't you supposed to be making lunch or something?"

Blair rolled her eyes at him and left to go back up the stairs to her own room, apparently no one in this house cared about anything!

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