First date??

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I paced around my room

'You are going to be fine!!' Brendon says as he sits in my bed

'I am not going to be fine!!, do you know how long I've waited for this?!?! And now I am all nervous and don't know what to do!' I say laying on the bed

'You will be fine!! Just be yourself!!' He says laying next to me

2 hours later

Brendon left about an hour ago and now I'm just sitting on my bed nervous as can be, when my phone went off, with a text from Vic

"I'll be there in five minutes" -Vic

My heart dropped into my stomach as I grabbed my cardigan and rushed downstairs, Thank goodness my parents weren't home,otherwise they would question me and want to meet him, and it would be all bad

I opened the front door to see Vic pulling up

I walked down my porch steps and down the walkway, into his car

"Hey" I said nervously

Vic's pov

" Hi,you look different" I said smiling

"Just thought it was time to change things up" she said laughing

Goodness her laugh was absolutely amazing

"You look great" I said

"Thanks" she said blushing

"So I decided that we should go to my Favorite Burger joint" I said as I drove

"That sounds great" she said

About 10 minutes later we pulled up to the Burger place and hopped out of the car, walking inside we found a secluded Booth in the back

"So why now?" She said after we ordered our food

"What do you mean?" I said looking at her confused

"Why did you decide to take me out now? have never noticed me before" she said taking a drink of her soda

If only she knew that I have liked her ever since I laid my eyes on her


I sat a lunch on the first day of high school with my new girlfriend Naomi,it was lunch time

I scanned the lunch room as Naomi talked to her friends when my eyes stopped on a beautiful girl, her brown curly hair,and her green eyes,she was breathtaking, and yet she was eating all alone....

"Babe!" Naomi said

"Uh Yeah what?" I said

"Were you even listening to me?" She said

"Uh of course...." I said looking back over to the table but the girl was gone

I was going to get to know her one way or another

*end of flashback*

"Like I said before I did notice you but I have been with Naomi since 8th grade, and she kept me on a tight leash" I said laughing

"So why did you guys break up?" She said

"She cheated on me with Oliver.... and I'm pretty sure she had been doing it for a while and I was done dealing with her bullshit" I said

"Well I'm glad you left deserve better" she said as the waitress set down our food

We ate for about ten minutes and that's when I saw Naomi and Oliver walk into the Burger joint

"Shit..." I muttered under my breath

"What?..." she said

"Naomi and Oliver just showed up... and knowing Naomi she is going to make a huge scene..." I said

"Let her make a scene, she will only be embarrassing herself" she said

"Well she is walking over here"I said

Riley's pov

"Hey Vic, what are you doing here?" Naomi said completely ignoring that I was there

"Ummm...." Vic said nervously

"He's on a date with me" I said

I was completely done with Naomi's shit, it was time to stand up to her,there was a lot of people in the diner but I didn't care

"A date?, with little miss depressed over here?, well atleast she looks somewhat decent" she said laughing and started to walk away

"Hey Naomi!" I yelled causing everyone to look at me

She turned around and within five seconds I picked up Vic's shake and threw it on her before she could say a word

Everyone in the diner laughed and she got pissed and walked out with Oliver

"Wow...." Vic said looking at me wideeyed

"What?" I said laughing

"Didn't know you had that in you" he said smiling

"I was tired of her" I said

"Let's get outta here" Vic said paying the bill and pulling me out of the diner

We got in the car and drove off

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