2. Not a happy ending

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“You’re pathetic Amelia! Just pathetic! You worthless, unwanted child! How dare you bring shame to this family, how could you do such a thing you’re so ungrateful of what your Father and I do for you! Why can’t you be more like Nathan?” My mother screams in my face as I sit there silently and expressionless on the leather couch.

I sigh deep within; Nathan is the Golden Child, perfect grades, perfect everything. I mean our family isn’t particularly rich, we’re average really Nathans meant to bring this family out of poverty. Or so that’s what mum says, but I can’t think straight right now mums yelling so loudly I really do think I’ve pushed it too far now. I wouldn’t say it’s entirely my fault now, now I know that’s wrong but seriously I don’t know what mums all riled up about. I was drunk that’s all, I think… I mean my night went a little like this:

I was trembling with delight and coldness, I was standing underneath a rather large oak tree not far from my house, I was waiting for the deep rattling of the Burgundy Hyundai that like most nights would pick me up and take me to a party or some new hang out spot. I checked the time on my phone it reading 11:48pm. As if on cue the deep rattling of the old Hyundai pulls up next to me and I race over and open the backseat door, I sit down and scoot over  I find myself next to some girl Rachael I think getting hot and heavy with some guy. I sigh “Anyone got a cigarette, or something? Anything?” I shot over the thumping heavy metal and drunken chatter. I get offered a cigarette and some beer from some cute guy who introduces himself as Joel. “Ta, I’m Amelia, so where are we going?” I ask I’m quite good at striking up conversations with strangers even hot ones.” Daniel Gosbee’s place he’s having an insane party we’ll be there in ten” I sit back and sip the beer I don’t want to be wasted before the fun.

We arrive at Daniel Gosbee’s house; we’re instantly met with the loud thump of music and squeals of excitement. I clamber out of the car and wander into the party. I spot the drinks table and knock back a few shots and the Joel guy comes up to me again, I smile I’m evidently already slightly  drunk “Want to go a round” He yells into my ear over the music. I nod and he leads me upstairs to a room filled with heavy smoke, and laughter. I sit on his lap and before I know it we’re hot and heavy I clamber off him and notice some people yelling some chick in a tight black dress who’s towering over another chick are yelling I roll my eyes ‘Whatever’ Joel pulls out some pills and pops some into his mouth he hands me one. I get up and leave the room I see there’s a pool party going on downstairs so I decide to join but I don’t have any swimmers on. I jump into the pool anyway. And that’s all I remember.

I wake up on the front lawn of Daniel Gosbee’s place I’m wearing pink swimmers; I vaguely remember a pool, and a jumping castle and various other things. I groan my head hurts and it looks to be 7:00am I sit up my whole head spins I stumble up and stumble down the road it’s a 10 minute walk or so I think.

It turns out to be a half hour walk and I’m out the front of my house and just opening the door when mum thrusts the door open and glares at me. “Where have you been young lady? I am horrified at your actions you ought to be ashamed of yourself!”

And that’s how I end up here on the brand new leather couches, getting lectured not a way to be spending it but well.“Mum calm down, I was at a party so what why are you so worked up?” mums eyes narrow, I gulp shit something must’ve happened.

“You are completely oblivious, aren’t you; you bring shame to this family of unimaginable measures sometimes I wish you weren’t born” A tear escapes me, mum pulls out her iPhone and hands to me. I look down, I gasp there in front of me is topless photos of no other than me. I gasp I burst into tears and scramble upstairs. What am I going to do, everyone will find out I mean heck my own mother had topless photos of me.  I never do that stuff in real life, I just damn what was in those pills. I thought they were just ecstasy, shit,shit,shit.

Fuck. I’ve really fucked up this time.

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