Awkward conversations

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Yusuke drags on a whistle the moment he sees me. "Nice shiner." he compliments.

"Isn't it? I thought it would complement my eyes." I grin cheekily, before leaning over the counter to see if he keeps my umbrella in the back.

"Hey! Off! You're gonna break something!" he scolds agitatedly, pushing me back in a seat.

Leaning down he rummages through some stuff before throwing me my umbrella. I clutch onto it tightly. "Yes! Thank you Yusuke-nii~." I sing, making him scoff, looking uncomfortable.

"You're lucky I didn't throw the old thing in the trash." he huffs.

"Yeah yeah." I wave off. "Now where is my dinner?" I ask impatiently, feeling my stomach rumble.

Yusuke balks. "Where is my....?! Didn't you learn to say please?" he huffs but fires up the grill none the less.

"I did, but after hanging out with you for the past two years your bad manners rubbed off on me." I point out innocently, making Yusuke point to himself in question like 'This is my fault?'. I just nod.

"Anyway, what happened?" he asks, pointing to his cheek.

"Er, mister bad attitude happened." I say vaguely, shrugging as I start to rearrange the things set on the counter absentmindedly.

Yusuke blinks in question. "Hiei hit you?!"

I look up at him in surprise before laughing. "Haha, of course not. The guy wouldn't bother no matter how snarky I would get."

"Right." Yusuke mutters, staring down at me, looking expectantly, but I just smile, shrugging. His mouth forms into a thin line before sighing and turning to his cooking, knowing he won't get more from me.

Soon enough he serves me his special, one he always whips up when I had my ass handed to me. It's like he's trying to comfort me through food.

I sigh into the bowl after slurping from the warm broth, feeling my stomach settle down and my brain feel hazy as it finally comes to a standstill for a moment. I once teased Yusuke that his secret ingredient is a dose of ketamine. He was not amused.

"Hey Kira." Yusuke starts, making me gaze up at him as he leans forward, his face serious. I wonder what's up and focus my full attention on him. He's not usually like this.

"I've done a lot of stupid things back in the day. Hell, I'm sure half the reason I even survived to live today is fifty percent dumb luck." he starts. "And... well, what I'm trying to say is... I don't want you to be like me." he states, making me raise a brow. He does not take notice of my expression, however, only stares ahead with a far-off look.

"I don't want you to go around swinging your fists like a moron I mean. I want you to use your brain and think. You've got better equipment up there than I have so use it okay? I'm just saying, it's not healthy to let me rub off on you too much." he finishes before turning his eyes to meet mine.

I blink, taking his confusing words in for a second. "Honestly I don't know whether I should be glad you complimented me or call in an intervention after putting yourself down like that."

He grins sheepishly. "Hey, I just care alright. Don't take it for granted."

I can't help but smile. "Wouldn't dream of it." I assure him. "But, should I have a momentary lap of judgement... you'll still have my back, right?" I ask carefully.

"Sure, after yelling you ears off and perhaps kicking your ass into next week." he shrugs.

"That's nice to know...." I breathe, not sure if I should feel relieved or scared.

Yusuke wipes the counter casually, trying to hide a smirk. "Don't go running off yet." he nearly mutters, making me tilt my head curiously.

"Why not?"

"Because... Because you're getting a dessert." he clearly excuses. What?

"One; I never eat desert. Two; you don't have any. So what are you getting at?" I question him.

I can see him grind his teeth. "Then I'm gonna get some ain't I?! Now stay put smartass!" he scowls.

I quickly raise my hands in defense. "Okay okay! Don't get your knickers in a bunch." I huff, thoroughly confused by his weird attitude.

He nods resolutely before stalking off, muttering under his breath before pausing and yelling over his shoulder, "Nobody says knickers anymore!"

I scratch my head as I watch him slip into the store at the end of the street. "Does he need to stock up?" a voice cuts through my bafflement, making me turn around to see Kurama.

"No, said he'd get me dessert." I explain, making him look at me quizzically.

"Dessert?" he questions, making me shrug.

"Don't ask me. He's being weird and emotional. I was considering ringing a therapist but since you're here...." I hint with a grin.

He meets my grin with a smirk, setting his suitcase down and taking a seat. "I'm a therapist now?"

"The voice of reason and guilty conscious. Sounds like a therapist if you ask me." I poke fun at him.

"I've never seen you wear a necklace before." he notes rather randomly.

"Attention to mundane details. Therapist." I state in a quick attempt to divert his attention away from the shard. I know better than to quickly stuff it away. Kurama will dive right on top of the topic if I do.

"Knuckle impression on your face." he continues.

"That you don't need a degree for." I counter pointedly.

"Scar tissue on your left hand, seemingly caused by a burn. Either that or..." his eyes narrow in thought. Okay, now he's starting to creep me out. He's digging way too deep here.

I swallow nervously. "Did you just switch profession to that of a diagnostic?" I laugh in a weak attempt to change the subject.

"What are you doing?" he suddenly asks, his emerald eyes reflecting a mix of worry and disapproval. I know he's not asking if I'm trying to deflect. He knows I am. He isn't even asking if I'm up to something. He already deducted for himself that I am.

I narrow my eyes at him, straightening myself. "Nothing you need to bother yourself or anyone else with." I say warningly. Especially not Yusuke.

A frown forms on his face as he keeps his calculating gaze on mine, like he's trying to solve a complicated puzzle.

"Hey Kurama, didn't expect to see you today." Yusuke's voice interrupts the staring match, making us both turn to Yusuke. "What were you guys talking about huh?" Yusuke smirks, completely unaware of the tension between the two in front of him.

"I was just inviting Kira to come and have dinner with me and my family tomorrow." Kurama smiles, a look of complete innocence on his face.

Yusuke coughs in his hand, "Cough Hu-*weak!* Cough."

Kurama narrow his gaze on his friend in annoyance while I raise a brow, wondering what he's on about. But I can't dwell on it for long before both heads turn to me and I realize they expect an answer.

"I would love to." I answer, feeling a little cornered, before swiping my eyes to the popsicle in Yusuke's hand. I reach out, snatching it from his hand making him shout out in protest.

Freeing it from its cover, I roughly bite into it, making him and Kurama grimace. "Thanks for dessert." I nod before jumping from my seat and sauntering off, twirling my umbrella.

Subdued (Inuyasha/Yu Yu Hakusho crossover) Sesshomaru x OCWhere stories live. Discover now