Chapter 9

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As I wander absentmindedly along the sections, I’m brought back to reality by a phone call.

It’s Jeong.

“Hey, what’s up?” I greet her, smiling. It’s only been three days since our last phone call, but it’s like we haven’t talked for months.

We do text everyday, but phone calls feel different. This way I can hear her voice, I can hear her tone. It feels more… intimate.

“Oh, something big is up, Nayeonie,” I smile even wider at the nickname she’s given me. “I called to tell you about this gig we have tonight at John’s. It’s kind of a real thing. We’re performing more than three songs and some people from a record company will be watching… so… uh… I was hoping to see you there…?”

I gasp at what I heard. “A record company?! That’s indeed pretty big! Of course I’ll be there!”

I store all the fresh foods in the fridge quickly when I get home, then I do some retouching and go straight to John’s. I saw no Chaeyoung and Tzuyu, but I figured they’re probably already at the bar.

When I get to John’s, there’s still a bare amount of people. And it’s understandable seeing as it’s only quarter to six. I sit on the stool where I sat last time I was here and order the same mild drink I probably will just ignore again. The bartender smiles at me in a friendly way, as if saying he’s seen me numerous times here.

“I’m guessing it’s the band,” he says then glances up at me, his piercing eyes are the first things that I notice about him.

My ears perk up. I lean forward to hear him better because his voice got drowned out by the loud blasting of music in this place.

“I mean, you’re only here when Strawberry Jams play.”


“Are you friends with them?”

“Yeah… kinda.”

He gives me a confused look.

“My sister is- is the dummer’s girlfriend,” I stutter, it almost didn’t want to roll off my tongue. I just grab my glass and take a sip; I guess you won’t be ignored tonight after all, little mild drink.

“Really? Tzuyu? Wow. I thought you were the girlfriend.”

I almost choke on my drink. He quickly reacts and lends me some tissues he gets under the counter. I accept it and wipe my mouth as I think of what to say.

“I’m sorry. Did I say something you didn’t like…?”

“Not really. It’s just- why would you think I was the girlfriend? That’s just… inconceivable.”

“I saw you guys last time and I always thought your chemistry was beyond compare. But I understand; she’s your sister’s girlfriend and it’s not nice of me to say that.”

I wave my hand as I give him a smile, “it’s okay!”

“I’m Wonwoo,” he tells me, making a pause with whatever it is he’s doing to look at me.

“I’m Na-“

“Not interested,” the familiar voice behind me says. “She’s not interested.”

I turn my head, looking past my shoulder, and there’s Tzuyu, standing tall behind me. Her hand is in the back pocket of her pants, the other makes an attempt to grab me. Luckily, I’m fast enough to not let her touch me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2019 ⏰

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