3.Far more advance?...

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Chapter 3. Far more advance?...

After the day of celebrating the partnership of TerraSave and Rebirth, Claire was invited by the Rebirth director to talk about some important matters. With her, 23 important personnel in TerraSave also invited for their welcome visit.

10:48 A.M (9. 24. 13) Rebirth Corporation 

Claire with her friend Stephanie was looking around the corporation. It was like a place in a Sci-Fi movie. Around the place, gadgets being demonstrated, animals with fractures are being treated using mechanical equipment and they inform people how their new devices gives aid during bio terrorism incident. Aside form those, there's plenty of advance tools that can support people for medical purposes.

Stephanie looking so amazed. "Can't believe it Claire!! This place is like the future!." she looks around the place so excited.

Dane was behind them. "They're advance alright. It's funny to think I'm like time travelling."

Claire nodded. "Indeed, no words to describe it but unbelievable." she saw something interesting and the 3 co-workers take a look at it.

A man in scientist suit was trying to heal the wound of a puppy. "Oh, hello there...TerraSave?" he asked smiling.

Claire return the smile and look at the puppy with deep wound as she felt sad for it. "Hang on there li'l fella, you'll be just fine." she brush the puppy who is lying down the large table.

"The puppy will be safe right?...Tsk that's a deep wound." Stephanie said looking at the puppy.

The scientist guy chuckled. "Of course, the little fella will be fine." he gets something, a tube with blue colored liquid inside and injected it. "This vaccine is still on process, but...it's a great help for animals at the meantime." he injects the puppy.

The 3 observe what will happen as their eyes widens. After a while, the wounds heals completely like nothing happens. They we're very amazed on what they just saw looking at each other.

"Jesus!! That's one I call magic!." Dane looking at the puppy rubbing his eyes.

Claire and Stephanie wave their head slowly like they can't believe it and said. "Wow..." softly at the same time.

The scientist guy smirks and then became casual. "Yeah, it's wow for now....." same time the puppy's wound opens again but no blood just a small cut then he starts first-aiding it. "Still not fully complete vaccine hope one day we'll succeed." he looks at Claire smirking. "Specially you..Ms. Ponytail we need you're help."

Claire's eyes wonders. "Huh.....oh...o...sure?" she smile confusedly walking away.

Stephanie and Dane looks at each other and throws their hands like 'I don't have any idea' and followed Claire.

As they walk again they saw another scientist guy having a diseased duckling somehow not anymore capable of moving on the table.

The 3 approaches it and the scientist guy smiles at them. "Hi TerraSave, I'll be happy to show one of our future ideas for humanity safety." he smirks looking at them.

The three looks at each other again and raises their shoulders like 'Ok?'.

The man start some device and the machine generate some blue-like liquid appears on tube connected to it.

Claire wonders what is going to happen as she look carefully so focus.

The scientist guy opens the device that looks like a small container and place the diseased duckling. "The fun will start in 3....2...."

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