Long drives

572 20 14

Chapter 29

P.O.V Damiar

She asked me why. Why I don't regret becoming who I am, I thought she'd already know.

"Cause I have you" I looked to her then back to the road.

I'm guessing she is a bit speechless. She hasn't said anything yet.

"Everything you've been through, you'd do it all over again, for me? Is that what you're saying?"

Without hesitation "yes" I say back

She moves closer to me and rest her head on my shoulder, "I do it for you" she mumbles.

I looked down at her. She watched the road as I drove and she fell asleep, leaning against me. As I continued driving throughout the night.

Time skip-the next morning

The sun was rising, I had been driving all through the night. Harley was leaning against me still, she was beyond beautiful.

Caleb was stirring in the backseat.

"Fuck, turn off the damn light" he said annoyed

"You gonna have to consult god," I replied sarcastically.

"Shit" Caleb said as he laughed softly, as he sat up.

"Good morning" I looked back to Caleb who had side swept hair from sleeping. I laughed at the sight

"What's so damn funny" he asked with a smile.

"Messy hair, Caleb" I said still laughing.

He ran his fingers through his hair repeatedly, then looked to me "Better"

I nodded.

"Well isn't that cute" he muttered softly. He was looking at Harley leaning on me.

"So was the conversation I just heard" she said with her eyes still closed.

"Was it now" I looked down at her face, "why are your eyes closed Harley" I chuckle lightly. Then looked back to the road.

"Its too damn bright outside"  she groaned

Me and Caleb laughed

"Agreed" Caleb said

"Can we pull over?" Harley asked

"Theres a place" Caleb pointed out.

I pulled over the car at a gas station, it was about time we filled up anyway.

"I'll fill her up" i said as I got out.

Caleb went inside the shop to grab some food, and he paid for the stuff and gas.

Harley hung out the window of the car as I was filling it up.

"When are we gonna stop driving and stay somewhere" she asked

"I don't know" i told her, the car was full now.

Caleb came back out with some bags.

"We ready to go?" I asked him.

"Yep" he replied popping the 'p'.

They kidnapped me: benkro_tv and Caleb FinnWhere stories live. Discover now