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Yoongi's pov

I was fucking pissed.


"Ow Hobi, it hurts" the girl said.

"Oh come on, it's not that bad, you can take it" his deep voice sounded.

Yoongi had been going to Hoseok's work place to surprise him with his favorite foods for lunch. Yoongi didn't know what was going on, but he didn't like the sound of  it. He went closer to the door and softly put his ear to it.

"Hobi, why are we doing this?" The female voice spoke again.

"Don't worry about it, it's only a one time thing.

This is where Yoongi's anger began to simmer. 'How could he do this to me? He said he loved me ' Yoongi couldn't take it anymore and walked away with tears in his eyes.

End of flashback

Yoongi sat in his car crying his heart out while scrolling through pictures of him and Hoseok on his phone. He decided to go for a drive since that always calmed him down.

Hobi's pov

"Ow Hobi, I hurts" Jessica whined.

Ugh, when will she ever stop complaining???

"Oh come on, it's not that bad, you can take it."

"Hobi, why are we doing this?"

Jessica was complaining about her dress being too tight when she's the one who said she wanted to look like those other girls. I'm just giving her what she wants. She's never satisfied. I hate working for her.

"Don't worry about it, it's only a one time thing" I tried to persuade her.

Gosh I was getting tired of this. I can't wait to get home and see my kitten. I miss him.

Hobi's pov

I've been home for at least half an hour... Where's Yoongi???

The door opens and there stands my baby.

"Yooooongi, where were you? I called and your phone was dead"

"Yea it died" Yoongi said bluntly.

Did I do something?

"Honey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm just tired"

"Tired? You look pretty energized to me"

"Not physically tired Hoseok"

Why's he calling me 'Hoseok"?

I walk over to him and back hug him. He just stands there and doesn't even show me any affection.

Something's definitely wrong.

"Yoongi, baby talk to me"

"I thought you loved me"

What's he talking about??

" I do love you. I tell and show you everyday"

"Mmmm how was work?"

He's changing the subject. I'll play along.

"Work was the same as always. Jessica complaining about being the best of the best as usual"

"Oh. What'd you have for lunch?"

"Lunch? I actually skipped out on lunch since Jessica had a photoshoot and needed a change of clothes last minute."

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