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Fika (Swedish noun) -
a moment to slow down and appreciate the good things in life.


The next morning he had literally vanished without a trace.

I didn't know his name, if he stayed on campus or not or even if went to this university.  All I knew was that he had a British accent.

That wasn't the weirdest thing. Well I wasn't sure if it was weird or not but, literally everyone was fucking drop dead gorgeous. Everyone — 6th graders who haven't even hit puberty yet. They made me feel like a plain Jane. Hell, I was probably a little under the plain Jane scale.

To avoid all the beautiful distractions, I decided to study in the library where the only the gorgeous thing was a book.  Novels to be exact. I had a whole stash back in my dorm but I had already finished reading them at least twice already.

However, I had some work to do so while I was passing by the section with the textbooks, I decided to cop one of the thick biology textbooks.

Maybe every five chapters, I'll read a page and make notes. Maybe, just maybe.

Yet I never even got the chance to head back to my table. The second I turned the corner to head back to the tables, a large figure entered my vision and before I could stop myself, I had collided with him.

That wasn't the only collision that happened because at the same exact time I looked up, the biology textbook slipped from my grip and landed on the figure's toe.

"Fuck!" The large specimen grunted and bent over in front of me.

At that moment, a familiar accent played throughout my ears. Distractedly, I spun around and followed it. Forgetting all about my book.

"Allen, you're a fucking idiot." He said quietly and I had a feeling he was shaking his head.

And he was.

But he didn't realise that I was watching him.

My body suddenly felt extremely warm like I was in a sauna without the sweating. Just the heat. The tips of my fingers tingled gleefully while my stomach became a butterfly playground.

But then he looked up and I swear, to whoever it is that listens, that I was going to pass out. He looked like a fucking God. 

I tried to hold in my gasp. I really did.

Though he looked as if he had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, he was exceptionally beautiful. His blonde hair was wavy and looked slightly damp yet it looked like he ran his fingers through it a bunch of times. His eyes were electric blue and they were fascinating— magnetic even because they seemed to be drawing me in. His nose was straight with a few freckles sprinkled across it and it made him look like a saint. And his mouth — his mouth looked so smooth and pink. 

Coincidentally, he licked his lips and I'm pretty sure it was the sexiest thing I've ever seen.  I pressed my thighs together tightly.

I could only imagine how he would look in a suit. Fuck.

And for a second, I almost forgot that we were both standing and staring at each other. Not even the sweet yet salty smell of the sea broke our gaze.

But Allen, I'm assuming, did.

"Man, I think I scared her off." He said oblivious to what was taking place outside. When he noticed that I was standing there, he looked like he was about to have a heart attack. "Oh shit! Were you standing there all this time?" In response, I slowly nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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