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(adj) wandering alone.

The first time I had met him was in my first year. It was nighttime. He was drunk and I was obviously an excited freshman.

I wasn't really used to drink so that night while all my other friends, who were also freshmen, had ditched me to either get high or do body shots. Whatever the case was, it didn't matter. However, I ended up somewhere outside wandering with a can of Dr. Pepper in my hand with some guy that couldn't even formulate a proper sentence.

Coincidentally, it was a Halloween party.

My friends convinced me to wear a costume and I ended coming as an angel.

"You... are so... beautiful." He had slurred. His voice was deep and goosebumps filled my entire body.

"Thank you," I said while blushing nervously but instead of getting up and walking away from the drunk man like any other normal person, I decided to help him. "Come on buddy, do you go to Rose Park University?"

After that, he started mumbling inaudible sentences but somehow I'd manage to strain my ears and hear something about a dorm. Could've been any other school but hopefully, I decided to bring him to my school.

I stood up, brushed any dirt that was on my buttocks because I was sitting on the ground. For what reason? I'm not sure. I stuck a hand out to him and he understood enough to grab my hand and let me pull him up.

When he stood up, I realized he was freakishly tall. Also the fact that he was dressed as if he was some Greek warrior but when I wrapped my arm around him to pull him to vehicle, he was incredibly warm. Not like fever warm but body heat warm - get it?


After a bunch of hustling and bustling and a bunch of stuff I couldn't understand or try to understand, we got to my car. I quickly observed the area to see if there anyone suspicious or anything then I opened the back door and attempted to push him in.

However, for some strange reason, he had tensed up though he had sat in my car. He held onto my hand tightly with wide eyes.

"Stranger danger," he had whispered shakily, but unlike a normal person, who would've reassured him that they were trying to help him, I had started laughing.

Like holding-your-belly-while-bent-over laughing. At this point, anyone driving or walking past or even looking out from a window would've thought I was mentally ill. No one else would've gotten it but it's not what he said, it's how he said it.

Just imagine, you're helping some guy out and all of a sudden, in your backseat, he's looking at you like some frightened child, let's keep in mind that he's a man. It was kind of funny.

After that, I calmed him down, and I then drove to campus. But at that point, I didn't know whether to sneak him into my dorm or sneak my way into his dorm which I highly doubt I'd find with him in this state. So I picked the latter.

Since literally everyone was at the party that night, I had managed to get him into my room without a soul peeping at me. The entire place was quiet except for my panting and the guy's mumbles and maybe our footsteps. 

The good thing about my school was that there was co-ed residential halls, however, they couldn't dorm together. It was strictly a same-sex dorm but for tonight, all genders were allowed.

Ha-ha, I was so funny.

After getting settled into my dorm, I helped him lie down on the other bed which was beside mine and also pushed up against the wall. So the beds were like right beside each other. 

Like besties.

I know this all seemed a bit weird but what if he had wandered into the road or even knocked his head on the wall and went into a coma? Crazy but possibly possible.

The last thing I thought I had heard before I knocked out was something along the lines of, "Fuck, that ass is fat." Or maybe, "Fuck, is this my flat?"

I wasn't even sure.

* * * * * *
Daily something:

"I don't feel very much like Pooh today," said Pooh.

"There, there." Said Piglet. "I'll bring you tea and honey until you do."

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