Meeting Them

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When I woke up, all I felt was the cold stone floor beneath me. I looked around to see my friends also there, but none of them have awoken just yet. There was some charging stations near us as well and there was a hole that leads into a back room. Moose soon woke up beside me clutching his head in pain. "Uh..what happened?" he muttered. As I tried to get up, I heard some footsteps heading our way. I was worried out of my mind. The stone reminded me of prison, but I knew a cell wouldn't look like this. When they came through the hole in the wall, they looked strange. One of them had had on a black suit to complement their pale skin. There was also some markings on their face to make it look like grey continues tears. He also had some glasses on his face above his mustache. The other one looked like a spinning image of the other one, except for the less fancy clothing. Moose and I stared at them for a long moment. "I glad to you guys awake Moose and Jay." The man with a mustache said. I looked at him with fear. When I opened my mouth I could already tell that I was going to stutter. "W-Where a-are we and w-who are y-you?" I questioned.

They looked at me with shock then with understanding. "I guess Scott was right about y'all losing your memories." The man said sadly. A couple of seconds later, Katie, Timmy, and Beth started to waken up. "Where are we?" Katie said puzzled. Soon the younger looking one spoke. "You are looking at the Joosable Squad base." He said calmly. "Joosable?" Timmy inquired. "Yes named after two of our legends and their friend." They said at the same time. A couple of minutes later some giant animal looking robots came walking in. All of us started to back away as fast as we could. Some of the robots looked in our direction. Their eyes opened wide with a powerful glow. They looked like they were in shock, but how can that be? Robots don't have feelings. "Jay..Moose? Y'all are alive?" The giant golden robotic bear said. "Why does everything dangerous-looking always want or know you!" Timmy shouted. "I don't know!" I said. The robots looked at us in shock and then with a heartbroken expression. "So, they really don't remember us, do they?" They all said in unison. We all stopped to stare at them with curiosity in our eyes. "So, Moose and I know all of you?" I questioned. "When did this happen exactly, because I don't remember seeing robots with personalities before," Moose said. "Well, it will take us time to explain, but...." The mustache man tried to say before he was cut off by a siren.

"Oh no that alarm is going off!" One of the bunny robots said. "We have to keep them protected at all costs!" The golden bear said. Soon my eyes felt heavy and I fell backward and all I could see was the calm darkness.

Jaybull:  Fnaf World returns to Parkside (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now