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"My dad, he's been missing for days." Sam uneasily stated, all eyes on him as I shook my head in disbelief.

"But how? John was always, John. He would never just disappear for days without any word."

"Which is why we think he's in trouble. We need to find dad, but he left us with his journal and a phone call that lead us to the case here in Jericho."

"Wow, four hunters on a single case? Don't you guys think we're wasting precious time here." Rose groaned, irritated by Dean's presence itself, but Dean couldn't help but poke fun at the female's agitation.

"Rose, no. You don't understand, if it weren't for John Winchester I wouldn't be here. So whatever it is, I've gotta help you guys get to the bottom of it. Whatever it is." Quinn sounded determined through her genuine words.

Sam wondered if his dad knew Quinn would be here somehow, but realized it could've been impossible. Or not.

John knew how much Quinn meant to him, and his life hunting. So when she left, things just became even more blurrier than it already was. Maybe the memory of Quinn leaving was what made him decide to pursue a career in law school, but he kept the sentiment to himself.

His current girlfriend Jessica wouldn't like to find out about how he quit his secret life in the family business specifically because of a nostalgic memory of a girl he felt different about. Perhaps, she'd break it right off if she even came across the letters Sam kept boxed underneath his bed all signed to Quinn Mercury. Then again, Jessica knew the Sam that got out of hunting, not the Sam that grew into hunting.

And these two entities had been complete and polar opposites.

"Why would you want to help us? You were the one who left us with jack squat, not even a single phone call to see if you were okay. And now you're hunting? What part of this life is dangerous did you not understand, Quinn?" Dean criticized, Rose protectively standing in front of Quinn as she waved a hand.

"Look buddy, unless you'd like your next man-period to come out of your nose," Rose pointed a fist. "I suggest you don't question my best friend's motive to hunt. We've all lost loved ones, all of us. Not just you two."

"Look, Rose. I'm not trying to make a hassle here. But we wanted you safe, Quinn. We wanted you out of the crossfire." Dean motioned. "Sam carried you out of that house for a reason. We wanted you to live a normal life, and that given moment was a chance for you to walk away from all the loads of crazy this life brings and you didn't take it."

"Would you have taken it? Look, I know you and Sam have had plenty of opportunities to step away from hunting, and you didn't because of family, your mom. I do this for the same reason." Quinn shrugged it off.

"We kill ghosts, demons, shape-shifters, ghouls, vampires, you name it. This has got the be the coolest job ever. Look, we've got it lucky. Us four." Rose comforted, dismissing Dean's words, as she smiled warmly. "We have purpose. No one can take it away from us."

A moment of silence was shared between them, Quinn pursing her lips as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear in thought. "Look, I came here to hunt down a woman in white, so I'll do it. But if you don't need my help, by all means, I'll take off."

Before Quinn could take off, turning around, Sam stopped her with the sound of his deep voice that resonated to dripping honey.

"Her name was Constance Welch. She committed suicide, jumping off this bridge on centennial."

Quinn turned around at the statement, staring at the boy in wonder.

Rose leaned against the railing of the bridge, raising a brow. "So what, a vengeful spirit?"

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