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Knock, knock, knock
I look at sana, she looks at me
Sana-"who is it"
Jin-"jin and the rest of us"
Sana goes to the door and opens it alittle
Jungkook-"is she okay"
Sana-"yeah she just doesn't want any visitors right now, where are the girls"
Joonie-"in the waiting room with Taeyang"
Sana-"bring them in here"
She closes the door and she waits for them to come back
Knock, knock
She opens the door alittle and she she lets the girls.
Jungkook-"is my son born"
Sana-"thats not my place to tell you that, I'll let Jasp tell you that"
Hobi-"whats that supposed to mean"
She closes the door.
Sana-"whats his name babes"
She claps her hands
Sana-"I'll go get us some food"
I show noah to the girls, sana leaves the room

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