Chapter 7

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I slowly get up and walk over to him "ye-yes?" I say stuttering I feel like I'm in trouble

"Why are you stuffing your mouth like that? And why are you talking with a mouth full?" He says with a voice that makes me feel sad. Like I disappointed him.

My eyes start to water "I'm so-sorry I didn't mean to, pl-please don't be mad at me" I say with tear falling now

"Oh no no no I'm sorry little lady I just didn't want you to choke come here" he says pulling me into his lap

"I'm sorry stop crying" he says wiping my face

"Aww come here pretty girl" Izzy says with his arms open

I look over at him. Do I want to go over their? I mean yes I'm upset about him not talking to me for 3 days but i don't know. I really want to. I'm not even that upset anymore.

I feel my self get put down. I come back to reality and realize that uncle Kevin put me in Izzys lap.

I swallow my food and look at Kevin "dang just give me up huh?" I say playfully

"Sorry had to be done" he says getting up picking up Ally who's dosing off

Izzy chuckles, I feel the vibrations on my side. I look at him then back down at my fingers. I don't know what to say to him.

"Hey, I'm sorry again" he says stroking his beard. "I missed you those days I didn't talk to you. Even though it was pretty short for how long we've known each other. But still I missed you" he says playing with my fingers

"I missed you too, I just" I sigh "I'm use to disappointment and lies" I say looking up at him

"I'm not even upset anymore, I don't know why but when you walked in I just wanted to come cuddle and be small" I say in all honesty cause at this point I don't care no more

"Well I promise you that I won't go ghost like that again, I'll let you know if I can't talk. I'll let you know what going on before I go silent" he says look me in the eyes

"Promise?" I say holding my pinkie out

"Promise" he says linking his pinkie with mine

I nod my head and pop my paci in my mouth. I'm not sleepy. I wanna play. I get up and grab my sippy cup.

"Izzy come on" I say muffled by my paci

"Where we going pretty girl?" He says getting up

"To play" I say waddling up the steps. I walk to my play room with Izzy following me

"So what we playing pretty" he says sitting in one of the big chairs

Hmm good question "um um gimme moment lemme see" I say looking around. Hmm I see my remote control cars and decide we should race

"Oooo Izzy we race cars" I squeal running over to my cars. I grab them and the controllers. I run back to Izzy with them in my hand. I give one to him.

"I would think you'd want to have a tea party but racing cars is fun to" he says chuckling

"Nah tea party's are for baby's, I might be a princess but I no baby. I too tuff" I say giggling

"Oh? Your tuff huh?" He says looking at me I nod

"Yup" I say popping the P

"Well are you to tuff for tickles?" He says catching me off guard

"Huh?" Then I realize what he says

"Uh yes I'm too tuff for those"I say giggling I look at him and he looks like he's about to jump on me. I figure out what he's doing and run.

"Noooo Izzy I was kidding" I say squealing

I hear him running after me "oh no pretty girl ima get you"

I laugh while running

"Nooo uncle Kev Izzy trynna tickle me to death" I yell through out the house. I run downstairs and into the living room seeing Ally giggling at uncle Kev

"Uncle kevy help me, he's trynna tickle me" I say hiding behind him

"I can't help you with that miss lady" he says moving so Izzy can get me

"Oh you dirty dirty man" I say looking at uncle Kev "I though we was better than this and you feed me to the wolf, I see how it is" I say faking hurt

"Daaaamn uncle Kevin you dirty for that" I hear Izzy say

I look at him and he's giving Uncle Kevin a fake disappointed look shaking his head

"You wrong daddy" Ally says shaking his head

"Hold up what we not gonna do is that. Y'all not about to gang up on me" he says holding his hand up.

"Well it's your fault you gave her up" Ally says Shrugging his shoulders

"Twice might I add" I say shaking my head

"Daaaaamn Kev" Izzy says laughing

"Welp go ahead and tickle me tickle monster I have nowhere to run" I say holding my arms out with my eyes closed

"Nah Ian gone tickle you" he says

My eyes pop open and I run to him hugging him

"Oh thank you for having mercy" I say

"But do you wanna see if uncle Kev ticklish?" He says with a evil smirk

"Wait what?" Uncle Kev says "I think not"

I look at uncle Kev and smirk evilly "ooooo I think so, Ally you in?" I say looking at him

He looks at me then at Kev and smirks "yes" he says standing up.

"Kev you better run buddy cause we coming" Izzy says

Me and Ally jumps on uncle Kev laughing


I hope you guys liiike this.I actually like this book a lot

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