Chapter 3

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So it's 6:50 in the morning and I'm laying in bed thinking of what I want to put on. I get up and look at my onesie.

"I'm going to keep this on as an under shirt" I whisper to my self

I walk to my bathroom and look in the mirror. My hair doesn't look crazy. It looks the exact same as I had it yesterday.

Hmmm? Ima keep it but I'm going to change the hair bows. I take the ones I had in and put in some white ones.

I grab my tooth brush and tooth past and start brushing my teeth. When I'm finished I wash my face.

I walk in my closet and decide that I want to wear jeans. I take out some blue jeans and a light brown cardigan.

"Never mind you being an under shirt" I giggle to myself

I put my jeans on my bed along with my cardigan. I take the socks I had on off and put my jeans on. I get some ankle socks and put those on.

I walk to my closet and look on the ground.

Hmmm? Which shoes?

Um I'm going to wear my white vans. Pretty cute outfit if you ask me.

I put my cardigan on and walk in my bathroom.

Hmm what do I need to do. Oh make up.

I put high light on my cheek bones, in the corner of my eyes and the top of my lip. I then do my eyebrows and then I'm all done.

I walk to my phone and check the time. I see that it's 7:45.

Ok then time moving hella fast aren't you?

I walk out my room to the kitchen. I look at the doggies bowls and fill them up with dog food. I also feed the ferrets with some fruits veggies and some cat food.

My phone then dings, I check it and it's Isaiah

I' am on my way

I smile to myself and then squeal "eeeek"

Alright I'll be waiting

I go back to my room and get my primary colored bag and put a paci in it, extra shirt. A pair of shorts and underwear, I put some cash in it, my phone charger and headphones, I also put my switch and some games in it. I look to see if my mini first aid kit is already in and it is.

Hmmm? Am I missing anything? Yes just in case I put some pads in my bag.

I walk out my room and go back down stairs. I walk to my living room and sit down. I look at the time and it's 7:55.

"Alright, five minutes" I say to myself

Knock knock knock

Oooop early. I get up and walk to my door, I look through the peep whole and see Isaiah. I start to open the door but five comes running and barking at the door.

"No bad boy bad boy" I say to him sternly

He stops but looks at like he don't care.

"Nigga don't look at me like that, we can fight" I say opening the door. I look at Isaiah and smile.

"Hi" I say

"Hey um does your dog not like me?" He asks

"My dogs doesn't like anyone besides me, it's nothing personal" I say rubbing fives head

"But this is Five" and as I'm saying that Ace comes sliding in "and this is ace" I giggle

"He's the nice one" I say

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