T or D?

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Bakugou POV: when we get to the common room me and Eiji sit next to each other on the couch. We were watching Mina, Sero, and Denki fight over what game we should play. The rest of the class was in the kitchen.
"TAG" Sero said
"FRICKING TRUTH OR DARE!" Mina spat out .
"omg lets just play stupid t or d" I told them.
"HAHA BITCH" Mina said
Everyone else gave out a sigh and went to try and collect everyone from the kitchen.
That plan failed miserably so we all just played it ourself.
Sero started.
"Kirishima truth or dare?"
"Why me?!"
"Coz why not?"
"Ugh fine... umm truth"
"What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you?"
Eiji gave a blank stare.
"Cmon dude" Denki said
"Pffff right... so ya know how I got the scar on my eye from when my quirk came?"
All of is shook our head
"Well it did and basically I had to use the bathroom and woke up in the middle of the night and rubbed my eye yada yada yada basically my arm turned to rock. And.."
"And?" Mina continued
"And I got scared and pissed myself.... my mom came in and told me off and I called her a weenie"
"PFFT" we all tried to hold in our laughter.
"Sh-shut up!"
"OKAY OKAY! Kirishima you pick someone" Sero said.
"Okay... umm Mina!"
"I pick... dare!"
"Emm.. show us the last thing that was on your search history"
We all tuned in at that.. was I the only one that was hoping for weird porn?
She looked at her phone a bit and blushed.
"H-how to tell if someone's a lesbian.." she mumbled.
"Ooo does someone have a crush?" Eiji asked.
"Hmph! Sero truth or dare?"
"Who was the last person you had sex with?"
" I can't say"
"Yes you can!"
"Denki t or d?"
I dare you to ask your crush out next time you see them. He said them becomes Denki's bisexual, to be honest we all thought pikabitch was gay but whatever
"Your mean.. any way "Bakugou truth or dare?"
"Ok I'm so stealing minas.. who was the last person you had sex with?"
My mouth went dry.
" doesn't matter"
"Yes it does"
This went on for far more than it had to.
I was getting really pissed off at fricking tape elbows over here and Eiji noticed
He rubbed my back and led me back to sit down on the couch.
" it wasn't that big of a deal." Sero said.
I was ready to punch fuck outta him until Eiji piped up.
"Okay! Sero you shouldn't have forced that out of him if he never wanted to answer, Bakugou you shouldn't have got that angry about it."
Everyone went silent.
" is that clear?" He repeated.
"Yes." Scotch tape said.
I walked out the room, hesitating Eiji followed

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