"You don't understand," Randall said sitting on the bed. "I've been having this gut feeling lately and it makes me want to throw up profusely."

"What's going on, you don't have a stomach bug do you?" Tanner said sitting by him.

"I just got a gut feeling that it has something to do with her," Randall said he started to lose his breath. "It has to be and I don't think I can take her leaving." He was having a panic attack.

"Calm down Randall," Tanner said getting worried.

"I can't," Randall said starting to hyperventilate. "I-I-I-I just," Randall grabbed his chest. "Something Is trying to take her from us it's in my stomach."

"Lay down," Tanner said. "Your skin is so hot this is really bothering you. You are sweating so much."

Marie had stepped out the bathroom with clothes in hand but dropped them when she saw Tanner sitting by Randall's bedside. She ran over and kneeled down beside the bed. He looked like Tanner that night he had an anxiety attack. Sick, cold, drenched in sweat.

"Marie, baby," Randall said reaching out for her. She hugged her but he ended up pulling her on top of him. "Please don't go."

"What's going on Randall?"

"Something, something is trying to take you from me," Randall said. She looked in his eyes and it was the same as Tanners when he was like this. He was seeing her leave over and over again, giving him anxiety. "I love you, I love you too much to let you go."

"Baby, I'm not going anywhere," Marie said caressing his hair and wiping the sweat from his forehead. "You got to breathe," Marie was about to lift up but Randall held her tighter to him.

"Marie, I'll unpack," Tanner said. "Just please take care of him." Tanner hates seeing him like this. Marie felt Randall shaking, this was getting to him bad. She just laid on top of his chest. He was enjoying and being reminded of that the fact she was there with them.

Marie just laid there not saying a word, Randall held her tightly wondering why this gut feeling wouldn't go away.

"I hope this feeling goes away before the night is over, I have so much planned for us," Marie said.

"This feeling subdues when you with me, touching me, but it'll always be there," Randall said.

"Does your mother know what's been happening with us?" Tanner said.

"No, At least I haven't told her anything, Truman probably has. Why you ask?" Marie said adjusting as Randall laid a hand on her lower back.

"She seemed really happy to see us," Tanner said. "Overly happy."

"I don't see anything wrong with that," Marie said.

"Yea, you wouldn't but it's different from how she usually greats us but when she hugged us I sensed that some relief went over her body," Tanner said.

"She's never rode a plane before, I have a couple of times but maybe she was just nervous for us." Marie said.


"You sure she's coming here?" Trudy said pacing the floor. Truman sat on the bed watching her.

"She is," Truman said. "I don't know what her plans are but she is a threat to there safety."

"I'll kill that bitch dead before I let her touch my child," Trudy said. "I'm glad they got over safe though. How did she even know that they were coming here."

"I'm guessing that the travel agent that Marie had spoken with must have been a friend of hers. Maybe when she went to lunch or something with her she must have told her about it." Truman said. "That's the only way that I could ever think that's how she knew."

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