Chapter 8

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*Selena's P.O.V*

Thank God Pattie left when I burst out on Justin. Other wise I don't know what would have happened. And plus...he deserved it. Someone has to stand up to him once. He has to get he can't just mess about with people like that and think that he's the boss of everyone. Even it that person is scared of him ...

I sat silently on the couch munching on my food as I stared at the blank TV when I heard the doorbell.

I was going to go open it when someone beat me to it and came dashing inside the house.

Chaz:"Chaz in the house!" He yelled coming into the living room. Scaring the hell out of me.

Chaz:"Oh hiya sunshine!" He screamed when he saw me and ran over throwing me over his shoulder.

Me:"What the hell Chaz put me down! I just ate and if you don't want me to throw up all over you then I suggest you put me down!" I said which immediately made him throw me back on the couch.

Chaz:"Are you mad? If you dared I swear I would threw you away from me...but making sure I'm facing the window while I do." He said making me shoot daggers at him and he gave me a cheeky smile sticking his tounge out at me. He came and sat down next to me and that's when I noticed the rest of the guys that were behind him watching the whole scene.

Me:"Hiya."I waved towards them as they all took a sit. They waved back with a small smile.

Chaz:"You gon finish that?" He said pointing towards the food on the table I barely ate.

Me:"Yeah actually."

Chaz:"Too bad." He said and picked it up eating it himself.


Ryan:"So where's Justin?" Ryan asked making me role my eyes.

Me:"I don't know he's probably upstairs." I shrugged and he nodded and headed for the stairs.

Christian:"So what we doing today?" He asked looking at me.

I shrugged and took a bacon from MY food that Chaz decided to have for himself.

Chaz:"Did you ask ?" He asked with a mouth full.

Me:"Yeah. I asked myself." I said making the guys chuckle.


Me:"Says the one who stole my food !" I said making him give me another cheeky smile.

Khalil:"Damn you guys are childish." He said laughing.

Justin:"Did I miss a joke?" He said walking in with Ryan behind him.

Khalil:"Nah nah." He said shaking his head with still a small smile.

Justin:"Yeah okay..." he said looking at me and I just looked away.

Justin:"Anyway you guys ready to go out?"

Chaz:"Where?" He said putting the now empty plate down.

Justin:"Out to eat."

Chaz:"Oooh fuck yes let's go!" He said jumping of the couch.

Me:"You just ate all my food and you're still hungry?"

Ryan:"Chaz is always hungry." He said making Chaz nod rubbing his belly.

Me:"Damn that's why you're so fat." I said jokingly .

Chaz:"Init." He said pushing his belly out on purpose making me laugh harder.

Justin:"The only fat person in this room is you." He said making everyone go quite as they stared at me while I stared at Justin. It was quite for a few mins everyone looking around feeling awkward.

I'm not even going to say owt cause who has time for his shit. Even if it hurt.

Chaz:"Don't say that bro shes not fat. Shes actually the most beautiful girl I've seen." He said rubbing the top of my head making me smile .

Justin:"Yh yh. Let's just go." He said and started to walk towards the front door.

Chaz:"You coming?" He asked once he noticed I didn't move from the couch.

Me:"Nah I'll just stay here. You have fun though."

Justin:"Yeah and she doesn't fit inside my car so..." he said once again moving towards the door.

Ryan:"Yeah but she can come in my car." He said and Justin groaned. You know...I'll go just to annoy him.

Me:"Alright then I'll go." I said smiling at Chaz. He smiled back and put his arm around me walking me out to Ryan's car.

Justin got in his car with Khalil and Christian while me and Chaz got into Ryan's.

Ryan started the car and started to follow Justin's car as we were on our way to who knows where.

After 15 minutes we pulled up to suprisingly McDonald's. Well at least I get to eat something heavenly.

We all got out of the car and entered to find it with not alot of people. What can I say? Its early in the morning.

"Good morning what can I help you with?" The younge girl behind the counter asked smiling.

Justin:"Oh alot of things." He said with a smirk and she looked down blushing making me role my eyes.

Justin:"But for now...." he said and ordered food for everyone.

"Alright that will be £23.45 please." She said and he gave her a £50.

Justin:"Keep the change." He winked and we walked of to get a table.

Khalil:"What was that all about?" He said laughing.

Justin:"Nothing. Shes hot though." He said looking at her.

Chaz:"Who do you not find hot?" He said making the guys laugh. Justin looked at me and I rolled my eyes.

Me:"Dick." I mumbled.

Justin:"What'd you say?"

Me:"Nothing." I smiled.

Justin:"Yeah thought so."

Chaz:"Alright man leave her alone now." He said making Justin role his eyes.

Justin:"Whatever." He said and everyone went silent.

"Here's your order." The same girl from earlier came placing both trays of food down.


Justin:"Thank you beautiful." He said making her blush once again. Damn if she don't stop blushing she will turn into a fucking tomatoe.

She placed a paper in front of him and gave him a look before walking of. Bitch.

Christian:"So? What does it say?"

Justin opened it and smirked turning it towards us. There was a number written on it. Making the guys cheer and laugh.

Justin:"Oh come on guys ? Don't tell me you're actually surprised. Who can say no to this face?" He said giving a look.


Justin:"Yeah but who cares about your opinion?"

Me:"Well obviously no one but it's also obvious that not every girl wants you."

Justin:"Huh? You don't say?" He said winking at some girls who just walked past making them giggle.

Me:"Don't think that just because you have the looks that you will get any girl you want because once they see how you really are. They're gonna wish they never met you." I said getting up and looked at Chaz avoiding Justin's glare.

Me:"I'm going to the bathroom I'll be right back." Chaz nodded and I walked of leaving all the guys speechless.

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