v. so, what now?

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The stranger drifted off to sleep, laying his head placidly on Jack's shoulders.

Jack felt the other's peaceful breath breeze through his neck as he heard the other's light snores. He grabbed the other gently on his back before laying him off to bed, removing his black boots.

The blood on the other's shirt has soon dried off but Jack wanted to be careful not to stain the white sheets.  He gently removed the other's shirt, trying his best to not stir the other from his slumber. Once he was done, he placed the covers over the sleeping raven, hoping he has a good night sleep.

Giving the stranger one brief look, he glanced over the room, not surprised that Harper was not around.

He went outside, eyes wandering for the familiar long blonde locks. He waved once he saw him standing at the empty parking lot.

The other was quietly leaning over their car, smoking a cigarette while he nodded his head to acknowledge Jack's presence.

The taller man walked closer to him, hands dug under his pocket as he shivered a little. It was freezing cold but the other seemed unfazed.

"So, what now?" Harper asked, puffing his smoke into the breezy air. His eyes darting to the side to look at Jack directly.

"Well, we keep him around." Jack shrugged, his shoulders faintly rising. "Are you alright with that?"

He heard the smoking man sigh, throwing his now finished stick into the ground. "Do I even have a choice?"

Jack grinned, playfully hitting the other's shoulder with his own---he asked for a cancer stick.

Harper obliged, getting his pack and taking two cigarettes at once. He placed one over his lips while he passed the other to Jack.

The taller man thanked him, Harper passing his lighter after he lit his own.

The smell of the cigarettes loomed over the wind---the pair quietly smoking into the darkness while the coldness seized the dawn sky.

CLOUD NINE // sarcklyn (OT4) ✔Where stories live. Discover now