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". . . So, if there are twelve moles, then . . ." I quickly scribbled down my answer, breezing through my chemistry assignment, like always. My pencil hits the table and I stand up to turn in my paper. My classmates are all bothered, of course, but at this point, the most of them see this stuff coming. I'm a chemist - and they all know it.

"Stellar work as always, Livianna," my teacher, Mr. Moore, comments, looking over my assignment. "I suppose at this point you're never going to start showing your work, are you?"

"I doubt it," I confirm. "It's too much writing to be done." Mr. Moore sighs.

"As I'd expect for you to say. You're free for the rest of the period, then. Do you need a laptop again?"

"No," I answer, shaking my head. "I checked some books out recently, so I'll go through those first."

"Alright then. Go ahead."

I walk away from the teacher's desk, sitting down in my chair and pulling out some of the texts I got from the library this morning. Often times, I can breeze through the whole thing in one day, mostly in chemistry because it's so easy. Math comes next, where I read most period as well, since math goes wherever science does.

The last minutes of class breeze away, and I finish reading a research paper just before the bell rings. I pack up quickly, ready for lunch. That was when I got to speak with Carmine.

The sound of the bell filled the room, and students started shuffling around, putting away their belongings and turning in assignments. I, however, was gone in an instant.

The halls were quiet for a bit as I opened my locker to grab my lunch and put away my materials for language arts. I descended the stairwell to the main floor where the cafeteria was, but by the time I hit my destination, the building had come alive. Luckily, I was second to enter the lunchroom.

"Hello, Carmine," I greeted, sitting in my usual spot within the cafeteria. It was far from the lunch line, so I didn't have to worry about people grabbing their lunch and just sitting beside me or getting hit with stray food, but it wasn't the farthest, since that's where the lone wolves liked the stay. I like to say my preferred table was the sweet spot of the cafeteria.

"Hey, Livianna," Carmine replied, much more brightly than earlier. I suppose he was no longer shocked.

"Anything interesting happen today? You always seem to have most interesting of classes."

"People wouldn't normally expect you to like gossip, but here you are . . . A science kid who likes rumors . . ."

"It's purely for the scientific aspect. Humans are sociable creatures, so what they think of each other and why is important to understanding the brain."

"Huh? I thought you were a chemist . . . ?" He tilted his head sideways - a sign of confusion.

"I am. However, psychology is a science, too - one that's driven by dopamine and serotonin, amongst many other chemicals!" I lifted up a fist and clenched it, adrenaline rushing I through me - I was definitely excited.

"You're looking scary again." I placed my hand down and regained my composure.

"So, what's new?" Carmine looked down.

"Well . . ." He trailed off. That's interesting.

"Hey, did something happen? You look upset."

"Well, it's just . . . I found out today that . . ." Carmine's voice fell to a whisper, and his head fell, defeated. "He has a girlfriend . . ."

I almost dropped my sandwich.

That guy has a girlfriend?! I was so convinced that he- I stopped in my train of thought. Wait. Wait just a second.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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