"That doesn't apply here...because double jeopardy is something that prohibits someone from being prosecuted twice for the same crime. They're not looking at trying him again. They're looking at something else." Spencer explained. She faced Jason. "I want to know what, if anything, you've told your legal team."

"I told them to fuck off. I don't want them bringing up old shit."

"Why do they feel the need to?" Spencer asked.

"I have no idea. I'm guilty. I'm admitting to that. It's why I'm here."

"Maybe they're trying to find a way to tie you to another crime." Spencer wrote something down in her notepad. She was too busy scrawling to notice Alison's reaction.

"They can't do that, can they?" Alison asked.

"They can look all they want. There are no other crimes." Jason wasn't intimidated.

"We're talking about the system." Alison argued. "You know it's corrupt. I will not have them trying to corner you."

"Ali, calm down." Aria put her palm on the blonde's shoulder.

The visit only got worse from there. Alison gritted her teeth as she listened to Spencer grill her brother.

After a while, Alison had to excuse herself. She said she needed to get some water, but the way she flew out of the room told her friends otherwise.

Spencer went after her. Jason stared at the door helplessly. All he'd ever wanted to do was protect his little sister. But he couldn't because he was chained to the goddamned table.

"Maybe you should go after her. Spencer doesn't have the best sensitivity chip..."

"Spencer doesn't have a sensitivity chip at all." Aria scoffed. "But she knows how to speak Alison-ese, trust me."

"How is she doing?"

"You know your sister." Aria smiled weakly.

"So...avoiding every possible feeling she possibly can while trying to work on other people's problems?"


"It was hard for her. Seeing all that happen and then me being hauled off to prison...it was a lot for her to process."

"I still think it's bullshit they locked you up. You had two stab wounds. It was self-defense."

"Too bad you weren't my attorney." Jason laughed.

"I would not do well in a courtroom. I'd last all of two minutes before threatening to kill the opposing counsel and then I'd end up behind bars myself."

"You and Ali were cut from the same cloth when it comes to protecting your loved ones. It's why you're both doing that goody-two-shoes hotline." He chuckled. His smile turned into a genuine look of approval. "Seriously though, I'm proud of you two. You guys are making a difference. It's more than most people. And I know it gives Alison something to occupy her time. She staying busy?"

Aria's mind immediately went to Emily. She wasn't sure how much to tell Jason. She wasn't sure how much Alison had told him.

"Yeah, actually." She hesitated before adding. "She met this girl. She's a vet, like you. Ali has been working with her, helping her readjust to being back home. They've been spending a decent amount of time together."

Jason prickled up at the thought of it, but only because he knew exactly where the girl's head was at if she'd just gotten home from a war zone.

"How bad are her outbursts? Are they anything like mine?"

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