chapter one

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Alia ran, her feet making her stumble and fall with each step. Her white hair was tangling in the branches as she rushed forward, her red eyes full of panic and fear.

The tribe she had lived with since she was a baby was chasing her away after a horrific event that defied the laws of man. It defied everything they knew and she knew, and it terrified them both.

You see, she had been offered as a sacrifice to their gods. This tribe worshipped wolves with demonic like powers to protect them, and she had been offered as a false and unwanted sacrifice.

The Council, as their called, nursed her to health in the Woconic realm and returned her to the human one. The tribe found her confused and cold the next morning, and immediately called the village.

She was now running for her life. Away from a home, she'd always known.

Around her, she would see glimpses of unholy wolves running along her sides in the trees. Some with skulls for heads, some with horns. Each had a beautiful coat but accompanied by a horrifying appearance.

She ran faster and faster, but the people were gaining on her. She began to hear the roar of a creek with heavy rapids closing near. She halted right before she went over its edge.

The people were getting closer and she looked at the other side, the creek, and to the woods with yelling growing closer.

She stepped back a few and then sprinted forward.

And she leaped right as her foot hit the edge, right as the people hit the creek's edge.

Mid-air she had changed into what she had become.

She was a beautiful, sleek raven-black wolf with a red and white tail, feathers tucked here and there into her coat. Feathers hung down from her head, attached to a thread by two glass red beads. Her eyes glowed a blood-red and a moon-shaped red ring appeared on her head, with it containing a black circle.

When she landed, she looked back at the tribe once before running into the woods.

The people stood there in shock, realizing they had chased off one of the very beings they worshipped.

Growling ensued from behind them, and distant screams were heard as the Council tore them apart, away from prying eyes and Alia's young form.

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