This was reoccurring and she had no courage to confront anyone because she was only so happy she even had the opportunity to share the gift God had given her. So the more while she allowed this to happen, she was faced with bankruptcy. This was when she decided to take legal action. But there was only little anyone could do since she did indeed sign and had obligations to fulfill.

Thankfully this all ended when Chaz surprisingly helped her out of the contract, and it wasn't a strenuous process since his name carried much leverage. Chaz didn't personally know Marlena and Marlena didn't personally know Chaz, though when he heard from a birdie regarding her extremely publicized scandal, he desired to help this woman. And he did so. She was very thankful and they became inseparable friends ever since. 

He usually didn't like to be around women who had quick mouths like Marlena but something was telling him she was going to be really special to him. And she was.

The one thing Chaz admired about Marlena was that she was teachable and wanted to absorb as much information from him as she could regarding the music business. And regarding life as well. She was like a sponge.

Chaz taught her everything she needed to know and the main thing he told her that really helps her career even to this day was being independent was better than being tied down to a label. This was more work of course, but at least all of her earnings would go directly to her. It helped her drastically.

Chaz was like a mentor to her and was even nice enough to buy all of her masters from her hanky label and give them back to her.  Marlena loved him, and so did Evelyn. Their backstory was beautiful. A real life fairytale.

Though she feels as if Marlena wasn't telling her everything because what she told her was all she knew. Evelyn was a skilled observer and she knows Marlena and Chaz weren't as close as they once were.

She wants to know what happened in their relationship but it couldn't have been too bad if she had no problem placing her sister with him, so she wasn't going to give her the third degree..

"Now, hold on. I know creating your own choreography means everything to you, but you have to crawl before you walk. So he wants you as his dancer and hopefully you'll have enough credibility to whip up your own dance studio one day."

"Who cares about all of that right now? I'm dancing for Chaz Brown! I'll even do it for free!" Evelyn squeals.

Marlena furrows her eyebrows, "Uhh ... don't let him hear you say such a thing. For him to be so wealthy he's cheap. Really cheap."

"Oh." She awkwardly says.


They both chuckle before Marlena speaks once more, "He will want to see you before he hires you though. So we'll be going to New York. And considering you're nearly finished with all of your treatments.. do you think you're ready? Because Chaz is lovely but he can also be hell and if you don't do your job and do it well.. he will fire you. His expectations are draining but he means well.." 

Evelyn thinks.. One month has flown by since she began her treatments and she believes it to have been very helpful.

She could acknowledge she was really pessimistic in the beginning, but quickly became more hopeful when she was improving after each session and taking her medication faithfully. She was glad she caught it early. So now she knows she would be ready to work alongside Chaz..

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