Chapter 11

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Nova's POV
We were walking to the Death Room. Kid had an arn protectively wrapped around me as we walked. Eyerus was walking next to me with Crona on her other side and the rest of our friends encircling us.
As we walked, I looked over at my sister. Her face would have looked emotionless to anyone else but there was a slight bit of fear on her face that she couldn't hide. I saw that Crona was looking at her worriedly, seaming to wonder weather to do something.
Finally, he reached over and nervously held Eyerus's hand in his own. He'd started to stammer out apologies when she looked at him but she didn't want him to let go. Even in this situation, it was hard to keep myself from squealing at that.
"Are you alright?" Kid asks me. I look up at him and smile a little. "I mean ... I'm scared but not as scared as I would have been without you here. Thank you Kid." He leans down quickly and kisses my forehead.
We finally arrive at the Death Room and go inside. I think about the last time me and my sister were here. It was under so much happier circumstances, Ren, Tatsuki, and Kai had come and we were being introduced to them.
Maka writes the numbers on the mirror and Lord Death appears. "Hey hey hey! What brings all of you here?" Kid looks down at me just as Eyerus looks over at me. Eyerus knows I don't really want to say anything so she steps forward.
"Good morning Lord Death. Sorry to bother you but my sister and I have something to tell you and our friends wanted to come for support." Kai is now standing protectively next to my sister. I think he's starting to be able to see her fear. Ren and Tatsuki stand on either side of me and Kid, doing the same thing as Kai.
"What is it Eyerus?" Lord Death asks her. She brushes back her dark hair, trying to find a way to say it. "Our father is getting close to finding our location and coming for us." She says, her voice even more emotionless with trying to keep us from seeing how scared she is.
"Ah yes, I understand." We're both surprised by this response. "D do you know about our father?" I ask. Lord Death looks at me and nods. "Yes. Your mother told me of your past and about your father. She warned me that he might find you."
"Did Mother tell you before we came here?" Eyerus asks. "Yes. That's why you were able to come here, your mother found a way of contacting me." "So what are we going to do about Nova and Eyerus's father?" Maka asks.
"Don't worry. If he does find you, I will make sure you're safe." Lord Death says, causing me to relax slightly. "Thank you Lord Death." Me and Eyerus both say. "No need to thank me."
After that, we all walked back to our classroom. I felt a lot better after telling Lord Death what was going on but Eyerus still seamed a little nervous. I look over at her, talking to Maka as she walks.
She seams a little more calm but the fear is still there. I know she won't say anything here when all of our friends are around us, she never wants anyone to worry, I'll ask her later. I reach up and brush a strand of my hair out of my face and feel someone grab my hand.
(Here we go again.) I laugh a little as I look at Kid. "Yes?" I ask him. "Stop doing that! It makes your hair asymmetrical!" He exclaims. "Chill." I say, wrapping my arms around him and resting my head against his chest, knowing that if I don't he'll go on a rant.
He rests his head on top of mine for a second, relaxing. Then just when I think he's forgotten about it, "Let me fix it." I sigh and let him fix my hair. "You're fighting a loosing battle Kid." Eyerus tells him.
"I've tried for years to keep her hair out of her face, but at least one little strand always falls back in her face right away." She laughs and I join in. "I've already told him that Sis but he won't listen to me." I wine.
"I will get your hair to stay symmetrical! I will!" I just sigh and throw my head backward.
Time skip brought to you by a super glad it's the weekend Author Chan cause yee!
We were sitting in Kid's living room, it was just me and Eyerus at the moment because the others all had to do something or other. Eyerus was sitting on one of the couches, writing while I draw on another couch.
I was drawing a character that I wanted to ask Eyerus for help on writing a story for. She had kind of crystally blue skin with gold eyes and very light blue hair. I really liked how she was turning out. I started smiling to myself as I drew.
"What are you smiling about? You thinking about your boyfriend?" Eyerus asks right next to me in a sing-song tone. I blush and look at her. "No, not right now. I'm drawing that character I was telling you about the other day." "The one with the crystal skin transformation thing? She sounded really cool when you described her to me." "Thanks. I'm still trying to figure out her backstory and stuff. Will you help me?"
She smiles happily. "Sure Sis. You know how much I love to imagine things." This gives me an idea and I smile evilly. "Oh? Like what Eyerus?" She gives me a look. "Like stories and stuff."
"Have you ever imagined a certain someone telling you he likes you?" I ask, laughing a little. "What? What are you talking about? Of course not!" She shrieks, blushing a little. I poke her cheek, causing her to fall off the couch in the fetal position.
"Then why are you blushing?" "Shut up!" She cries. I stand up and look down at her, still curled up in a ball on the floor. I'm about to say something else when our friends come back.
Crona sees Eyerus on the floor and immediately goes over to her. "E Eyerus? A are you ok?" She looks up at him and blushes slightly again. "Hey Crona. Yeah I'm fine, Nova was just teasing me, something for which I'm now going to get payback!" She cries, standing up and going over to me where I'm now sitting on the couch.
She starts tickling me. "Noooooooo! Stoooop iiiit!" I cry. She steps back after a couple seconds, smirking. "Payback Sis." "Ok ok chill!" I squeal. She just laughs.
"What was she teasing you about Eyerus?" Maka asks curiously. "N nothing." "Hey wow is she nervous?" Tatsuki asks, sitting down next to me. Ren sits down on my other side, straitening his glasses. "Yeah I think she is brother."
"Shut up you guys." Eyerus gives them the death stare. I smile a little as I watch her. (I guess she's not afraid anymore.) I think, glad that she got her mind off our father.
Eyerus's POV
Everyone had left a while ago and I was up in my room. I had started writing again but couldn't keep my eyes from going to another paper.
I set down my pencil on my desk and walk over to my nightstand, picking up the piece of paper. I read the letter again and again, my eyes begining to fill with tears. Questions were bombarding me, flooding my mind.
(What if he does find us?)
(What's happening to Mama right now since she helped us?)
(What if he tries to hurt Nova again?)
(What if he hurts my friends?)
(What if he takes me away again?)
(Will I be all alone again?)
I read the lines again.
(No no no.)
I remember things that Nova wouldn't because I kept them from her, she didn't need to know. If she did she'd try to help me and that was something she didn't need to do. I remembered Father's cold voice, and that horrible day.
Flash back
I stood in a dark room, my heart filled with fear. The visions had stopped so that meant Father was coming to take me out. I waited.
The door opened and he came in. He came over to the corner where I'd shoved myself, curling up. "Come." He said in his high cold voice. I stood and followed him out of my dark prison.
He took me in to another room where a boy lay on the floor. "Change." My father told him. He changed in to his weapon form and my father pushed me toward him. "Pick it up." "Why?" I ask, not sure if he's going to try and make me hurt people.
He hit me. "Shut up and do what I tell you to do Brat." "It's ok. Nothing bad will happen." The boy's voice says. I'm still not sure but stupidly, I go over anyway. I knew that the boy would probably be hurt if I didn't train with him, that's how my father did things.
I pick up the weapon and a lady steps out of the shadows. After that everything goes dark. I wake up a little later in front of another kid who lays on the ground crying. My eyes widen and I drop the weapon in my hand and run to the kid.
"Are you ok? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" The kid hits my hand away and screams. "Get away from me!" I'm startled and fall back. The kid looks at me with fear in his eyes. "You're a monster." He whispers. "What are you talking about? What did I do?"
I look up to see that everyone in the village is standing in a circle around me and the kid. They all look disgusted. "How could she do that?" "I guess he was right about her." "She's such a freak." And over and over again, "Monster."
"P please ... I'm sorry! ... W what d did I d do?" I ask as I feel tears stream down my cheeks. My father steps forward, his ice blue eyes glaring down in to mine. "You just beat that child as I commanded you to. You truly are a monster."
"B but I don't remember anything!" I cry. "All I remember is you bringing me in to a room and a lady coming and," He slaps me again. "Shut up."
End of flash back
Tears stream down my face at the memory. (I can't go back there. He made me hurt people.) I fall to my knees on the floor, the letter falling beside me.
"I didn't want to." I whisper.
A/N: Hey people I has returned! OMG I'm so freaking glad it's the weekend! This week was so long!
The character that Nova was drawing is a character that I've been thinking about making for a while. I have no freaking clue if chrystally is even a word but I used it anyway! LOL
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let me know what you think and I'll see you guys in the next one.
Bye :)   

Trust and Symmetry Death The Kid X OC and Crona X Other OC Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt