Episode 16: Crisis of the Seasons

Start from the beginning

"Oh, yeah. I did say I'd treasure it. Been keeping it clean, too," he snickered.

"So hey, why don't we let Infia decide our take on it, then?" Sophitia pointed to the paper.

"Oh, the battle practice homework," Infia muttered.

"Yeah. This dolt thinks Eevee can explode. Meanwhile, I'm trying to tell him it's Last Resort. Only every Eeveelution can do it," Sophitia stated.

Infia's face was straight, but a confused kind of straight. "It is Last Resort for that question, isn't it? The only way Eeveelutions could do Self-Destruct is through Mimic. I don't even know if they can use it."

"See? Nyeh." Sophitia stuck her tongue out at him. "Who's the battler here, remind me?"

"If we're wrong, it's your fault, not Infia's," he said and he wrote it down. He had to write it in footprint runes, pressing a paw into a tray of ink and then making a pattern of his pawprints on the paper. Once done, he rolled it up and cleaned his paw in another tray of water. "But that's that done. I'm not doing any other homework while we have guests."

"Of course," Sophitia said, a smug look on her face. "Should I leave you two alone?"

"Aren't you grounded, too?" Infia said.

"Really Sophitia? You're still doing that?" Lute groaned.

"If you're gonna make chub jokes, then I'm gonna make wuv jokes. That's the deal you made," she said, still smug.

"I didn't make a deal over this!" he cried.

Infia couldn't help but giggle as they started bickering again, and settled down on a cushion. That was until Marina came into the room and everyone silenced thanks to the troubled look on her face.

"Erm, Lute? Sophitia? You er... just come to the front room, please," Marina ordered.

The trio exchanged nervous glances and followed. Esther and Phoenix were by the front door, and the Pikachu piped up and bounced over the moment they came into view.

"Esther?" Lute gasped.

"It's true, you do live in Everend! For some reason, I really thought that'd be like, some sorta special alias to hide your identity or something. You're way too special to live in a bumpkin town like this," Esther said, and laughed as she held up his paws.

"Uh," was all he could respond with.

"So, aren't you happy to see me?" Esther asked, half-lidded. He didn't know how to answer, and phoenix's blank expression behind her didn't help. "Hee hee hee, you look so confused!"

"Well yeah, you of all Pokémon showing up is sorta?" Sophitia trailed off. She brushed a feeler between them to get Esther to let go of him. "Dare I ask? Did something happen with you-know-who?"

"Uh uh. Somethin' much cooler happened, or is about to happen. And the lil' Minun cutie's here, too. Perfect!" Esther cheered, and pumped her fists at Phoenix. Infia gasped and tried to hide herself from view behind Lute. "It's like I told ya Fluffy Cheeks, it's fate. It's gotta be cruel fate!"

"Cruel fate?" Lute said.

"Okay, so get this. We looked around Angard for a while 'cos there was so much to see. And we found this crater, and inside the crater was this magic stage. It's like a silver platform kinda thing. It was nothing like anything else in that dead country," Esther began waving her arms about.

"That sounds like a teleportal. If it is, what's that doing there?" Lute glanced at Sophitia who had raised an eyebrow as well.

"Not gonna ask what a teleportal is yet. But on that stage, we found, da duuun!" Esther threw her arms up. Out came a tiny Pokémon barely any bigger than Lute's nose. The tiny thing fluttered around and stopped in front of them. "Check it out! It's our legendary guide."

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