chapter four - the cat

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haneul's p.o.v

(small timeskip maybe a week or two?)

"um, haneul?" haneul heard from behind her door.
"is this your cat?" she saw juyeon poking her head out the door as she saw a small black cat walk into the room.
"i don't have a cat, no.." haneul responded as she streched her arm to let the cat sniff it.
juyeon beamed. "could we keep it?" she asked enthusiastically.
haneul chuckled at her. "i guess so."
juyeon smiled brightly. "i'll call him...potato."
"you're not very good at naming, are you?"

the two of them had the cat for a while. they fed him, and gave him all the love in the world.

until a young girl came to their cabin.
"where are you kitty? come here!"
juyeon and haneul were talking together, when they heard the girl.
"h-haneul? did you hear that?" juyeon whispered gently. haneul nodded in response.
"jiwoo? what are you doing here?" they heard a man say. this can't end well.
"i'm looking for the kitty i saw a few days ago." the girl explained. "i was wondering if it came here."
suddenly, the girl opened the door to the room haneul and juyeon were in.
"um, excuse me, have you seen my cat?" she asked.
the two immediately get up. juyeon grabbed haneul's hand, like every time she felt unsafe.
the man heard as haneul and juyeon got up.
"oh! i'm sorry for her, she didn't know there... they have... jiwoo, stay away from them."
"what? why?"
"fucking witches in households like this- go to fucking hell where ever you came from!"
it didn't take long for them to get out. haneul just barely got their brooms as they were running out.

so now they were sitting in the middle of a large forest, trying to catch their breaths.
"this has to happen so frequently nowadays!" juyeon breathed out.
"hopefully we don't have to keep doing this every couple of decades-" haneul laughed a little.
"as long as i'm doing it with you, i think i'll be fine," juyeon said.
"you'd stay with me that long?"
juyeon nodded.

"i think... i think i might love you a little," juyeon said.
"you.. you what? really?" haneul asked. she pretended her heart wasn't doing flips in her chest.
juyeon looked up at her, pretty eyes staring back at haneul. haneul pretended her ears weren't burning up.
juyeon blushed a little, chuckled, and stared back at the ground nervously. haneul, once again pretended as if she didn't feel that feeling she hadn't felt for anyone in centuries.
"...i think so too." haneul responded finally.
haneul raised juyeon's chin up and kissed her.
they both laughed. "maybe we should find another place now," juyeon added finally.

and it was the happiest they had both been in a while.


(a/n: guyss ;; this was a lot of fun to write !! i hope you guys enjoyed it even though the chapters were really short ^^')
(notes-- i don't know a jiwoo i made that name up
potato did eventually find his way to his moms
witches live for a while that's why i overexaggerated with the times of centuries and decades lol
i'm not a writer i'm sorry if this is absolutely awful)

i think i might love you a little (saturday)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon