chapter two - mystery girl

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haneul's p.o.v

"oh my god, is she dead?" haneul whispered to herself. she didn't MEAN to hurt her, but what else what she supposed to do? she's been hurt by humans far too many times to have this one chance of living alone in the forest without being hurt. but what haneul had hurt wasn't human this time. because she saw the wand in the girl's shaking hand.

"are...are you alright?" haneul asked hesitantly. the girl raised her head slightly.
god, did she have the prettiest eyes haneul had ever seen.

"i'm- i got a little shocked, that's all." the girl said. "i didn't realize this was your cabin, i just needed a place to stay," the girl started looking increasingly worried as she continued her sentence.
"well- actually, this isn't technically my cabin either, but nobody has been here in years. and.. there's no place nearby expect that village a few kilometers forward, but nobody likes dealing with locals. you can stay here- with me, if you want."
the girl looked confused for a little while. she then looked up at haneul again.
"what's your name?" she asked.
"..i'm juyeon." the girl responded as she got off the floor.
juyeon, haneul repeated to herself.
"it's nice to meet you haneul," juyeon stuck her hand forward to shake haneul's hand. "i guess we'll be living together for... a bit."
haneul smiled. she shook juyeon's warm hand.
and for a second or two, they stood there. haneul examined juyeon's short dark hair, tied to a half ponytail at the back. juyeon studied haneul's eyes, how they were so pretty, and her long, silver hair.

then the moment passed.

haneul smiled again, and said "alright! there are two bedrooms in this cabin, and a small kitchen area," haneul said as she pointed to the bedrooms and another door that was assumably the kitchen. "i already sleep there, so you can have the one on the right side."
juyeon thanked her, and walked into the bedroom.
"oh dear god a stranger just moved in with me.
but i just allowed it?" haneul muttered to herself as she went back to her room. honestly, she hadn't talked to a person in weeks? months? maybe years? not for a long time, anyways. now this annoyingly cute witch walks in and uses some love spell to kill haneul, probably.
haneul walked into the kitchen. "we don't seem to have much food left.." she thought out loud.
haneul knocked on juyeon's door. "um, juyeon?" she said as she cracked open the old wooden door leading to juyeon's room. juyeon was sitting on the bed doing small spells with her wand.
"we're going to have to go to the marketplace soon, we don't have much food left."


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