chapter one - runaway

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juyeon's p.o.v

"goodness gracious-" juyeon breathed put heavily. those locals were probably just around the corner, she thought. juyeon was a witch, you see, and this was maybe the 14th town she had arrived in to live her life normally, but to no avail, since they had found out because of a seemingly sparkly wand hidden in her boot.
she didn't have all day to stay here to catch her breath, so she quickly got off her feet onto her broom and in the air.

juyeon was flying for quite a while. at some point, she found herself over a forest, so she decided to land.
"great. now i don't know where i am, and my chances of being eaten by a bear or whatever have increased by more than i'd like." juyeon muttered to herself.
juyeon walked through the forest, trying to look for a cabin- or anything that wasn't just trees at this point.

she was wondering for what felt like forever until she finally saw.. something? it looked like a big wooden block, so she got closer. until she finally realized it was a cabin! yes!
she jumped up a bit, then rushed towards it. frankly, it looked very old, but..better than staying outside until she dies of the cold.
she stepped inside very carefully, and the floorboards squaked very loudly. someone inside the cabin got on their feet very quickly.
..wait..someone in the cabin??
juyeon very quickly realized the situation. "shit, my wand" she thought as she pulled it out of her boot. she set it as if she was fighting someone, when she heard someone say something from the other side of the cabin.
"..hello? who's there?"
juyeon stepped again, squeaking the floorboards.
she saw a flash of purple light, zooming towards her before she screamed from fear and fell to the ground.
she saw as another girl stepped out of what she assumed was the bedroom, with a wand in her hand.

"oh my god, is she dead?" the mystery girl whispered to herself.
juyeon stayed there, she was too scared to move. she saw a wand in the girl's hand.
"another witch..?" she thought to herself.


(a/n: im scared to post this •~•)

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