'I'm so excited for this. I've been pranking Quinn our entire upbringing so I'm made for this my Spencer chuckled, rubbing his hands together mischievously.

'You know you need to come up with a cover story' Ella said.

'Yeah I know. I texted him earlier that I was gonna walk to the shop to buy some dinner. And it's pretty dark now so it's more believable' I chuckled.

'Yeah that's pretty good. Right, I'm gonna do the makeup now. I'm so excited' Ella laughed. 'How do you think he's gonna react?' She asked.

'I think he's gonna be really angry at whoever did this, but I think he's gonna be caring and protective' I smiled. It feels so good to be finally open about my relationship, I can call him my boyfriend and say anything I want. It's so damn good! Ella started to apply red, purple and black eyeshadow on my cheekbone. She applied a little of red lipstick on my bottom lip to make it look like a cut. And red liquid lipstick on my nostrils to make it look like a nose bleed.

I then dropped a small amount of water on my eyelids, to smudge my mascara. To make it look like I was crying. Ella also dabbed a little amount of red lipstick onto my white T-shirt to make it look like the blood is dripping from my nose.

'Woah! That looks so real. So trippy' Spencer laughed. 'If I wasn't in on this, I would definitely believe this' He nodded his head approvingly.

'I'm glad you think so' Ella chuckled. My phone beeped. It's a text message from Brad, he's currently in the taxi on the way here. It'll take him 15 minutes.

"I didn't open the message and I'm not gonna reply, just to make it look more suspicious" I explained. 'I feel so bad already' I laughed.

'So the plan is, Spencer's gonna call Brad in a second. What am I gonna do?!' Ella panicked.

'Just 'panic'" I laughed. Spencer is now calling Brad and he put his phone on speaker.

'Brad! Where are you?' Spencer asked, sounding really shaky.

'Hey Erm, I'm just in the taxi now. I'll be there in 10 minutes. Why?' Brad asked. I smiled as soon as I heard his voice. He does sound tired, he's been travelling all day and I'm about to prank him hahaha.

'Quinn locked herself in her bathroom. She's not coming out. She's crying and it sounds like she's in pain. There's blood drops on the floor' Spencer 'panicked'.

'What do you mean? She said she was going to the shops?' Brad asked, confused.

'Yeah she just got back' Spencer replied. Ella and I are trying not to laugh and not make any movements.

'Where is she?' Brad asked.

'She's in her bathroom' He replied.

'Let me talk to her' He said. Crap! I quietly walked to my bathroom and quietly shut the door. I shouted go away to make it more obvious that I'm in the bathroom.

'I'm outside now.' Brad panicked and hung up the phone. Spence and Ella are in my room and I'm currently in the bathroom, locked. I'm so nervous, my heart is racing and my palms are sweaty. I can hear the front door open and shut. Brad's footsteps running up the stairs towards my room.

'Quinn. Let me in!' He shouted, knocking on the door.

'No!' I cried. Gosh, I feel so bad.

'Why? What happened?' He asked. 'Let me in, please. We can help you whatever it is' He sighed. I unlocked the door and he immediately hugged me, not noticing the bruises and blood on me. When he let go, he gasped as he looked at me.

'What. The. Fuck?' He hugged me again. 'Who did this?' He asked angrily.

'What the hell, Quinn?! Why didn't you tell us?' Spencer shook his head in disbelief.

'Can you take her to the hospital please? I'm gonna find whoever did this to you' Brad scoffed. He kissed my forehead and embraced me in his arms tightly.

'No, please. Don't go' I sighed.

'Can you tell us what happened please?' Brad begged. He held my hands softly, he stroked my hair and the way he looked at me, he is genuinely so worried and scared.

'I was walking back from the shop. I heard guys behind me, catcalling me. I ignored them and kept on walking faster. Then they jumped on me and got really angry because I ignored them' I shakily replied.

'Nah that's it. I'm gonna go to the shop to ask for CCTV. We're gonna get whoever did this to you' Ella angrily spoke.

'You're battered as fuck. I'm so sorry this happened. I should've been here. But why didn't you drive? You know it's unsafe to walk in the dark babe' Brad sighed in frustration.

'I wanted fresh air. It's only 5 minutes away so there was no point in driving to waste petrol' I replied. I kept avoiding eye contact and he kept putting his hands on my face. I'm scared that it'll transfer on his face and he'll see it's fake.

'Why the hell do they think it's okay to hit a woman!?' He spoke in disgust. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder protectively. 'We need to call the police' He sighed.

'No. It's too late' I sighed.

'It's never too late. We can't let them get away. They hurt my girl' He sighed. He sounds really sad when he said the last sentence. He took his phone out of his pocket and started to dial 999.

'No you can't call them mate' Spencer exhaled.

'What, why?' Brad asked, confused. He looked at me, waiting for an explanation.

'Because it's a prank' I laughed.

'What?' He said, still confused. He must be that tired.

'Dude it's not real' Ella laughed as she wiped my makeup off.

'Nah you can't play me like that' Brad sighed, shaking his head in disbelief.

'Aww I'm sorry baby' I laughed. I tried to hug him but he kept taking steps backwards away from me.

'I was really worried you know' He said.

'I'm sorry' I frowned.

'We got your reaction so good' Ella laughed. Brad looked at me in silence for a few seconds then burst out in laughter.

'I'm just so happy no one actually hurt my girl' He laughed as he pulled me in his arms.

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