You both went to where Senku's grave was. You were relieved to see the others weren't there, but then you scratched that because you saw Hyouga instead, inspecting the ground. You quietly gulped.
"I heard that some of our troupes have been going to the grave." he said. "You too Tsukasa?"
It was just then that he noticed you. He frowned, not wanting to discuss business with you around, his usual 'the fuck are you doing here' vibe emanating from him.
'Can this guy do anything other than frowning and beating up my friends?' you wanted to glare back but kept your innocent facade.

"No. Rather..." Tsukasa said. "Yo has died. We've come here to pay our respect." he walked closer to the giant cross. "I would like to return him to eternal cycle of life. Gozan, Yuki, Ren, Akashi, Kyoishiro, Morito. I want to take them all to be together."
"Gozan...Yuki...Who are they?"
Tsukasa knelt down, you did the same. His head was hung down.
"The name of the warriors who died from the poison gas during the attack of the village.
'He remembers their name!' you thought. 'Those two...are way too different in their mindset. That's not good. Feels like a ticking bomb.'

A minute of silence passed. Tsukasa then looked at Yo's eye mask.
"At the very least, I want to bury Yo's things."
You placed a hand on his shoulder, he smiled at you, appreciating your gesture.
"Maybe we can turn this place into a graveyard." you pointed at a nearby spot. "We could bury them here."
He nodded.
"Good idea (Y/n)."

He stood up and only changed position from a few steps. To you, that was enough. You had to get him away from the cellphone as much as possible. He won't be able to see the receiver now. Tsukasa started to dig the ground to put the stone mask in there. A moment passed, then he suddenly stopped.
"Tsukasa?" you asked, worried.

Suddenly he pulled something out of the ground. A wire, which shook the whole system, the microphone, the receiver, the antenna, everything flew out of place.
'The wire! How was I supposed to know where it was?!'
Before you could express your completely totally genuine confusion, a loud explosion was heard. The three of you turned your heads towards it. You knew it was Senku but what in the hell made that explosion?!

"(Y/n)!" Tsukasa grabbed your shoulders. "Go back home and don't come out until it's safe!"
Not waiting for a response, he ran out with incredible speed, Hyouga following not far behind after taking the cellphone as proof of them fooling the troupes. You were left alone. You were more horrified that anything.
'The battle started. As soon as they get here, it's gonna be a bloodbath!'

An image of Tsukasa's face flashed in your mind, he was so sad and felt so guilty and burdened to have killed his friend. It broke your heart to think he was about to do it again. You didn't want to see him like this ever again.

Before you even realized it, you were running after them, as fast as your legs could go.

Tsukasa and Hyouga jumped down from the tree, facing Senku and the others. Their side has taken a real punch when Hyouga revealed the cellphone and exposed Gen. Ukyo was injured and the tank was knocked over by one of the pit fall. The cave was surrounded by Tsukasa's remaining troupes. Senku knew that they'd offer the protection of the village for his head. Of course Taiju protested, but Senku calmed him down.

"Back then, you couldn't make it in time and I was alone. But this time, we got an entire village full of people, including you. All the allies of the kingdom of Science."
Him and Tsukasa looked at each-other, they knew there was no way out of this battle.
'This stone world,' they both thought. 'in the end, what will rule it is...'

'What nature bestowed upon humanity, pure strength.'
'That which humanity accumulated all on its own, science!'

As Senku and Chrome ran for the cave where the nitric acid was, Kohaku smiled and got into position, gripping her swords.

"NO! STOP!!!"

You ran up to stand between the two sides. You didn't mind the tank. Because of course Senku built a tank! Sure, who cares! You faced Tsukasa.
"Tsukasa! I can't let you do this!" you said, your throat dried from running.
"(Y/n), wha-?"
"(Y/n)! Get the hell out of here!" Senku shouted from inside the cave.

And just like that, the pieces were put together in Tsukasa's head. The grip on his weapon tightened.
"I see. So it was all a lie." he looked at you.
He looked enraged, but really, he felt heartbroken.

"Not the important stuff!" you exclaimed. "I get it! I lied to you and it sucks! You don't trust me anymore! I didn't trust you either remember?! I may have lied about who I was but I got to know who you are Tsukasa! You're too good-hearted to do that kind of stuff! I don't want you to kill anyone again! It just breaks my heart and I know it's the same for you too!" your voice cracked because of your overwhelming feelings. "You just wanna live in peace! It's possible I swear! If you could just settle down just this once! Please! God dammit, you're about to kill your friend a second time!" you sniffed, your voice getting weak. "Please." you opened your arms a little bit. "Let's just... Let's just talk okay?"
You sniffed again, your eyes were getting filled with tears, you didn't think you'd cry.
Hyouga just wanted to push you away, but he waited for Tsukasa's reaction.

Tsukasa hung his head down, for a moment, no one moved. It was the first time he saw you this passionate.
Well, you did just reveal your true self...that's how he knew you were being genuine.

"Alright (Y/n)." he said, looking at you. "For the sake of those few days, just this once, we'll try it your way."

You smiled, your eyebrows furrowed, and rubbed your eyes, letting out a sigh of relief. You whispered a 'thank you', faint words but coming from the heart.

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