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You yo, it's yah fam uhhhhh SLS here!

Yeah idk what meme intoduction I should make now lol, but anyways

Are y'all ready for the story?....

Word you are!? BET let's start getting into it.

This chapter is all about the forms. Enjoy

This chapter might include
Sexy theme (yaoi sex maybe)
Violence (perhaps)
You been warned enjoy


As our blue hedeghog was out and about chilling with an red and black hedeghog, our forms was doing some interesing things around the house.


Mostly, we gonna be looking into the life of Dark spine sonic...... But let's start the story off shall we?


As the day was slowly running across time, DSS was still in the room watching final space as the others 'silently' sneak out the room to go down stairs.

But let's be honest DSS didn't really care if dark sonic and exe was still in the room are not. All he really care about was trying to escape his past life and focus on what's happening in front in him.....or so it seems like it.

No matter how hard he tried to focus on the episode he mind will always go back to that day that change his inner self.  Everytime he thinks about it he would growl at himself as the rings on him would start to glow, Indicating that he was pissed off by it.

As the rings was about to glow more brighter he close his eyeless eyes and took deep breaths as he started to calm himself a bit making the rings dim down as he keep on breathing in and out.

DSS open his eyes as he grab the remote control for the TV and paused the show and trun off the TV as he started to float off the bed.

'I need to go out for a while' he said to himself as he made himself invisible as he go through the door of sonic room and glides down the stairs making it into the living room.

As DSS was about to go through the front door he saw dark sonic hovering over exe while they was making out on the couch. DSS raise an eyebrow at them as he made an 'wtf' face.

"mm~♡, can you go slow this time?" Exe moan out a bit as dark was sucking on his neck while touching all over the other that was underneath him. Dark really likes to go rough, but when it comes to exe he will do anything for him. Even if it means to not do what you love.

"Sure baby, just make sure you don't squeeze me to death like the last time" Dark reply as he wag his tail and attack exe once again making things get more heated.

DSS blush a bit as he glides back to the front door.

'Geez, I don't know who's worse, them two or fleetway and his boyfriend........ Wait nvm it fleetway of course. Nasty having ass mother-' DSS started to chant out in his mind as he went through the door and started to fly around the city.

DSS was humming a tune as he glides around looking at everyone who was out and about shopping and have a good time. He didn't mind tho as long as it wasn't to crowded he was in a more 'Alright' mode. But the more he looks, the more he looks, the more sees couples which made the form stop humming his little tune.

DSS didn't realize it, but as he look at couple pasting by, his mind started to go back to the time when he would spend time with that one person who made him change life till this day....

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