Oh such irony of life

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Rin's arrival at Akatsuki's base didn't go as she imagined.

When she made the decision to defect, she had predictions of Akatsuki's reaction to her.

Ame was nowhere as big and powerful as the five major hidden villages, yet they were one of the few smaller shinobi villages that actively participated in wars. They suffered in their own civil war. Their location was at the route between the major hidden villages. The Sannin encountered the founders of Akatsuki while they were on their way returning home from a warzone.

There was no doubt that the members of Akatsuki were mostly orphaned by the major villages—Konoha included.

And Rin was so obviously born and bred in Konoha. Her air-light footwork would give her origin away.

Konoha's shinobi walked with air-light steps due to their infamous habit stalking among the trees, embracing stealth like it was born in their blood. On the other hand, Kiri's shinobi walked with either heavy firm steps or lightning-speed quick steps because of the nation's collective desire to wield the seven famous swords. Uzushio has been gone for over a decade, and Kushina herself seemed to have adapted to Konoha's stealth instead, so Rin has no reference of the lost nation's walking style.

Rin wasn't trained enough to fake a normal civilian's walking style, despite knowing that it was the most basic thing in infiltrating 101.

Not that she wanted to hide her origin anyways.

She wanted the foundation of their alliance to be created with the foundation of trust.

Rin predicted that her arrival to the Akatsuki would be faced with wary reaction from the group. To counter that, she has mentally planned her speech—a well-thought speech to placate the three founders of Akatsuki to allow her to become one of them—and when that didn't nail her confidence of receiving positive welcome into the peace-advocating organisation, Rin started strategizing. She predicted multiple scenarios that would've happened when she arrived at Akatsuki's doors and planned a counter-reaction for each of them.

She predicted that there will be a defensive reaction. She predicted that she will be taken in for an interrogation. She predicted having to spend an unknown period of time attempting to prove her loyalty and usefulness to the Akatsuki.

Neither of that happened.

After the unexpected encounter with that strange boy, she has pushed herself beyond her limits, fully dependent on the waves of chakra emitting from the seal on her abdomen to sustain her exhausted body. She took an elaborated route that strayed far from the actual path to the little hideout where she knew Akatsuki was based at, making it seemed that she was headed towards the city of Amegakure itself. She didn't stop running and would only take a quick rest when it was necessary.

It was originally an effort to throw the boy off her tracks, just in case if he changed his mind and decided to pursue her anyway.

She wasn't expecting to stumble straight into a one-sided dirty negotiation merely a few miles from Amegakure.

She wasn't expecting to see one of the famed commanders from her former village to be involved.

She wasn't expecting to witness another family being torn apart by this war.

Rin stopped to a halt the moment Hanzou demanded the founders of Akatsuki to turn their kunai against each other. She has completely concealed her chakra then, hiding behind a rock and was immensely grateful that Isobu has immediately reacted, helping Rin to blend herself into the environment with his own ability. Rin crouched behind the rocks, ears perked up to eavesdrop in the one-sided negotiation. She was barely able to stop her chakra from spiking in anger when Hanzou again demanded Yahiko and Nagato to turn against each other to spare Konan's life.

God Damn It, Kyuubi!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum