Money Spells to Attract Wealt

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Money Spells to Attract Wealth

Are you unhappy with your current financial situation and in desperate need of cash? There's nothing worse than working hard at a job and watching your entire paycheck get devoured by bills. Let's face it: After a while, it can become depressing.

Did you know that by calling the right kind of energy, you can creative positive financial change? It's true. Good things don’t happen randomly in life. Instead, we attract them through our thoughts and intentions. Depending upon your mindset, one of those good things can be money. Based on ancient Wiccan lore, you can draw wealth to yourself by casting specific spells.

Setting Up the Scene

Before you start casting spells, you need to make sure you have the right surroundings. Most spells are performed at an altar, which is often the center of Wiccan rites. The altar serves as a workspace for your spells.

It's easy to make an altar. To construct yours, you will need a small table that you won’t be using for anything else. You can use the top of a cabinet that is used for other purposes (such as your dresser) as long as the top is reserved entirely for the altar and isn't used for anything else.

You may make your altar “portable” so that you can bring it out when you’re casting spells and put it away when you’re not using it.

It is important that your altar feels personal and is a reflection of your beliefs.

How do I set up an altar?

To set up the altar, cover the surface with a cloth of your liking and place items on it that ignite or reflect your faith.Most altars hold symbols of the four elements which are lined with the four principal directions. In the north aspect of your altar, place a bowl of soil or sand to represent earth. Put an incense stick in the east to represent air, a candle or piece of charcoal in the south for fire, and a bowl of water in the west.You can also use goddess candles or other idols that are a part of your tradition, and set them on the altar as you see fit.You can also place the tools used in your spells on the altar.

The purpose of the altar is to create an atmosphere that mentally prepares you for your spells. The items on the altar will help you focus and direct your thoughts. The more focus you hold while casting your spell, the stronger your spell and its benefits will be.


1. The Money Spell

This is a basic candle spell. It may be done at any time of day, but preferably at the same time on each day. You will need:

a green candle (unburnt)

a white candle (unburnt)

oil (any kind you prefer)

In this spell, the green candle represents the money/wealth that you hope to acquire and the white candle represents you.

The first step is to anoint (smear or rub) the candles with the oil (known as “charging” the candle). As you do this, focus on your purpose and visualize the wealth you are to receive.

Place the candles on your altar, nine inches apart from each other. Exactly where or what position is not important, but they must be nine inches apart.

Light the candles and chant these words:
“Money, money come to me,
In abundance three times three,
May I be enriched in the best of ways,
Harming none on its way,
This I accept, so mote it be,
Bring me money three times three.”

Move the white candle one inch closer to the green candle as you chant.After the chanting, extinguish the flames.

Repeat this spell for a total of nine days, each day moving the white candle one inch closer to the green candle. It is important to continually visualize the wealth you desire with each step of the spell.

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