Magical Tater-Tot Whales! :))

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Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess. She lived in a tower that was located next to one of the GREATEST malls EVER! And also in front of her tower was a pond... Just a regular old pond.. But IN that pond were magical tator-tot whales! The whales could grant you absulutely ANY wonderful wish you could possibly want.

So the beautiful princess had this REALLY big crush on the hot price right.? So one day she decided to hop out her tower window and landed into the pond. So when she landed in the pond, she picked up one of the tator-tot whales and wished REALLY REALLY hard!

"I wish i was a belt, and that the hot prince would buy me!" She kissed the tator-tot whale. Well the tot started shaking and moving its little body aaall around in that beautiful princess's hand. Next thing she knew she was a belt hanging up at Honga's, the store where EVERY beautiful princess and hot price got their accessories.

So later that day the hot prince walked into Honga's and saw the belt he wanted (aka the beautiful princess). So he walked over to the shelf and picked it up.

"This is like.. the best belt EVER!" So he tryed it on and looked in the mirror. He started to do this little dance that looked like he was humping the air. The belt (aka the beautiful princess) was SSOO excited because I mean.. She was the buckle.. Which is RIGHT next to the hot prince's.. Yea! So obviously she couln't help but to say,

"AAAHHH!" The hot prince looked down and said

"Whoa! My belt TALKS! I wish my girlfriend the beautiful princess was here to see this! I'll go get her!" So he walked out the store, without paying of course. (he was the hot prince! everything was free!) So that just made the beautiful princess go INSANE!

"I'm your GIRLFRIEND?!"

"Whoa! Beautiful princess is that YOU?"

"Yes hot prince! It's me!"

So the hot prince walked out with his new belt (aka the beautiful princess) and to the beautiful princess's tower. Well when the got back to the tator-tot whales they wished REALLY REALLY hard that the princess would become human again! Then the prince had to kiss the tator-tot whales to make the wish come true.

Well the tot shook his lil tater body and started glowing.  The hot prince took off his new belt (aka the beautiful princess) and layed it (aka her) on the ground. The beautiful princess appeared in front off the hot prince in 2 seconds. The hugged and lived happily Ever After.

                                                                THE END!

*(A.N)* This tory was JUST FOR FUN! lol i wrote it to see if I could cure my Writer's Block.. I think I did.. :)) So hope for the best!

This story is dedicated to My Wonderful "sister" Allie(: Who gave me the idea. iloveyhu(:

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