Chapter 6 - From the Start

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        Hana walked the grounds, surveying the setting. Only about half the grounds had any grass, and it didn't seem like the type she'd be willing to walk, barefooted on. She wrote it off as being part of the complex being in such a desert-like area. Even so, part of her wanted to try it, just to test the theory that it would poke at her feet. Potted plants, and rock gardens, however, were common. It looked like the central building had been used for a business, previously, then changed to be residential, the small houses surrounding it were newer in their construction, and different in style. Large, concrete walls had been built around the whole thing like a complex. She heard it had been explained away with a desire for privacy. Luckily, the houses fit nicely in the area where a parking lot had been. They were simple, and seemed to match everything else. From over the wall, she could see some of the buildings near the strip. The hotels were quite tall. It was just the tops, though, they were lower than the city, further out. It would require a driver for her to actually get to those hotels.

        Around the grounds, several people were going about their business. One of them approached her. His steps were clumsy and he stumbled as he neared, but somehow he still managed that cocky swagger they all tended to have here. He spoke up when he got close, slurring in crude Japanese, "Hey, cute little sister, I'm alone, you're alone. Let's be together."

        Hana had heard the line numerous times back in Japan. She rolled her eyes, and shoved his hand off of her shoulder when he leaned on her. Irritation set in, and she clicked her teeth, responding in the same manner of speaking, her voice working well around the rolled and growled sounds, adding English to the end, "Go sleep it off, fucker!"

        He began to stumble closer, wanting to press the point, but an old voice called out and caught her attention. "Gorou. She is Ren's fiancée, not some easy girl brought here for amusement. "

        It was a familiar voice and she looked toward the source. It was Kanagawa-oyaji. She smiled, charmingly at him and waved her hand dismissively toward the drunkard. "Stuuupid, I'm off limits."

        When she turned back toward Kanagawa, she was surprised to find him almost next to her. He was fast for an older man! Hana blinked as he spoke in English, "That is likely the case. Ren is not in the habit of sharing what belongs to him."

        She didn't like the connotation in that sentence, but let out a sigh. Her mother was in the same situation. It took a lot of muscle-flexing before her mother was left alone, and a lot of pain. Even so, she knew her mother had affairs. She wasn't sure she could do it. Even growing up in this life, she wanted things to be better. They weren't going to be, not for her. Not when she disliked her husband-to-be, and she was going to be stuck with him. The day she heard she was to be shipped off to America, the last embers of hope she had that she might manage to get a happy life disappeared.

        Kanagawa looked at her and she smiled in response. She did not anticipate the words that would come out of his mouth, "If I were younger, I might even try to sleep with you."

        The candor with which he said it, reminded her of her position. The smile remained, but the sincerity behind it faded away. It wasn't like women in the Yakuza were particularly well-treated, even as wives. They might be harassed or hassled until marriage, unless they were the daughter or wife of someone who was respected and feared. She remembered her father with that simple comment. Memories of rough hands, soft skin, and painful lessons. She wrapped her arms around herself, a sudden chill shot through her, "I am sure that you have many ladies who take up your personal time."

        He seemed to think about it for a moment, and she anticipated the answer that eventually came when he finally spoke again, "I do."

        Monogamy was too much to ask for from powerful men.

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