Akame: ...You shouldn't apologize Tatsumi. You haven't done anything wrong. If someone has to be blame..it would be me. I should follow my heart and not my mind..I'm such an idiot for not seeing that fraudulent act from the start.

Tatsumi: You're not alone by that thought you know.. Leise..I-i mean..Amelie said that Y/n wants their mission to be in secret until the day she died but she can't take our bewildered expressions.

Akame: I thought that girl was dead?

Tatsumi: Well, her fake death is only one of Y/n's deceitful acts because she needs the power of her imperial arms to make her facade more..real.

Akame: ...

Tatsumi: Um..hey, why don't we visit her now? I mean this is quite all of the sudden but..I..I would like to see and thank her for saving my life..our lives.

Akame: But you know the boss's orders.

Tatsumi: *Sigh* I know..but she will let her see Y/n without her permission. After all, we were still part of her NightRaid so..it won't hurt her if we visit her..right? *Smile*

He slowly stood up and lend his hand to me, I simply let out a small smile before taking it and show him the way to the Researched Center a few miles away to the Capital. Y/n's body is being kept in there due to the active manifestation of her imperial arms going into her body even though the main core is partially destroyed. They've also wanted to know how did she manage to unleash the cursed armour's unknown trump card that she used into our last battle.

As we heading towards the Researched Facility, we suddenly heard an explosion. The sound of explosion is coming through the direction where were we headed now. Oh no...

Tatsumi: W-what are you doing Akame?

Akame: I'm going to the facility, Tatsumi please to back and tell the boss what is going on.

Tatsumi: That's dangerous! You don't have your imperial arms or any weapon with you, what if they've been attacked by bandits? How are you going to protect them and yourself?

Akame: ...I will find a way later.

Tatsumi: Akame, wai-...

I quickly ran towards the facility thinking that someone would have an interests on Y/n's imperial arms and trying to take her away. No..I lose her once and I'm not going to lose her TWICE!? As soon as I arrive, the fire's already raging on and burned the upper part of the building and dead bodies decorating the ground. I took a plain katana on one of the dead guards and went inside to find her. I've noticed that the flames isn't really hot and suffocating, what's going on? My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a menacing guttural scream and caught my attention, it's coming to the room where Y/n has been sealed. I run again and follow those pitiful screams.


When I take a sharp turn, my eyes widened as I saw the scientist leaning against the cracked wall, holding a knife pointing to a disfigured monster that slowly walking towards him. It is covered with a darkish liquid all around its body and mist that almost dark as night. The scientist saw me and run towards me but the monster caught and instantly beheaded him. I raised my katana and form to my battle stance stance as the monster tilt its gaze on me.

Akame: Who are you?

The disfigured monster didn't respond instead, it slowly walks towards me and raise its clawed hand, trying to reach me. Since this monster won't talk, I dashed in and do a clean cut to its body but to my surprise, the monster simple dodges it and quickly grab my neck and harshly pinned me to the wall. I tried to stab the monster to its head but they deflect it so fast. Damn, the poison made a huge mess on my abilities.

The Renegade General [Akamegakill x Fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now