Helluva Boss part 2

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So, the little '......' are like flashbacks and or time skips, just so you know!

After they all sang and transported threw places, the four all hid in a Bush where Moxxie held a sniper. He aimed the gun towards a women who was on her phone

Moxxie shot her.....But unfortunately, a little boy, who was eating ice cream, walked in front of the shot and fell down on the ground as blood splattered the ground

Moxxie put the gun down and looked surprised yet scared, Blitz looked at Moxxie, and both Y/N and Millie cringed


A doctor bursted through the doors of an E.R, his two nurses followed, pushing the stretcher eagerly

"Doctor he's not responding!" A women, with a deep voice, exclaimed

The doctor ran around, looking for something

"More water, stat!" A squeaky, male voice replied

The female nurse picked up a cooler and slammed it on the little boy only to cause a bump on his cheek

"It didn't do anything!" The male nurse murmured

"Dammit! I'm not loosing another one" The doctor growled, he slammed a couple of Defibrillators on the table and they all took two

"Clear!!!" The doctor yelled and they all revived the little boy and he gasped for air

"Holy shit, it actually worked" The doctor said, surprised

Out in the waiting room, Moxxie slouched in his seat, Millie rubbed him in a comforting matter, Y/N and Blitz both read a book as their demon tails wagged

"He appears to be in stable condition but he'll need surgery. Now, what insurance provider do you freaks have?" The doctor sneered, he angrily looked at them while the demons questionably look back

"The fuck is insurance?" Y/N and Blitz asked

Before they knew it, Millie, Moxxie, and Y/N all held onto the stretcher as it broke a window then began falling. Blitz wasn't far behind but he and the stretcher got caught by a wire but it quickly snapped which led them to fall and scream more

"Kids die for free!!~" A man, the one singing before hand, finally finished. He melodically sang the last bit


Moxxie closed his eyes in annoyance while Millie leaned on her arm, bored. Y/N stubbornly crossed their arms and Loona played on her phone

"I'd like to go on record and say that incident was Loona's fault. Dispatch is supposed to give us the right info on the target.

It's very simple" Moxxie sighed, breaking the silence

"Oh sit on a dick Moxxie" Loona replied, looking up at Moxxie and then back at her phone

"You sit! Sit on a-

And the-


DO YOUR JOB!!" Moxxie stuttered over his words and slammed his hands on the table

"Hey, now we don't blame our screwups on Loona okay?" Blitz asked and walked over to Loona

"She didn't do anything wrong" Blitz cooed as he rubbed against Loona's fur

Loona growled and glared at Blitz

"Are you kidding me sir? She's awful" Moxxie sat back in his seat

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