Chapter 5

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Tagon, I meant, my father took me with himself, telling that it was a way to help me get my memories back. I felt completely fine and I didn't think I was able to fully get all Yangcha's from this world memories, but I had to obey his order, just like I did it in Arthdal. I missed Arthdal. I missed my life.

The best think in Tagon's order was a fact that Saya didn't come with us. I was the happiest person, knowing that my annoying half-brother was staying home with Taealha. To be honest, Taealha was great as a woman and as a mother. She always kept my side so at least Saya was irritated by that.

"Do you remember this place?" Tagon asked me, stopping the car next to the weird pub. Why someone like him supposed to stay there? That was suspicious, but I didn't care about it anymore. The pub meant that there was alcohol. Of course the coffee that Tanya bought for me was great, but it couldn't compare with the true taste of alcohol.

I looked around carefully, trying to remember anything but I had no idea what was that place. I shook my head, but Tagon didn't look upset about it. He smiled gently, patting my shoulder.

"Go inside. I'm sure you will get your memories back as soon as possible" he said.

I got out of the car, looking at the pub's door. I raised slowly my hand, pulling the door strongly. When I peeked inside I saw members of Daekan troops, or should have I said, Daekan gang. I knew their faces and names, since they were warriors in Arthdal. But not there. They wore leather jackets. I had lots of similar clothes in my wardrobe as well, but I felt awkward wearing them.

"Grab a glass and drink with us, Yangcha!" said Mugwang. I barely recognised him. His hairstyle was a little bit different. His hair wasn't as long as in Arthdal. He was shaved on one side and had a longer hair on the top. His neck tattoo also looked quite different. Was bigger and it looked like not only his neck was tattooed but a part of his chest and shoulder too. But how I was supposed not to recognise his voice? His loud and vicious smirk? There was no way.

I sat next to him. Daekans were the only guests in the pub. And they were really loud. Someone gave me a glass full of beer, so I took a sip.

"What happened with you? You forgot how to speak?" Mugwang asked me suddenly, smiling widely. It supposed to be a joke, but I didn't laugh.

"Yangcha has amnesia. He doesn't speak due to shock" said Tagon, coming closer. When he entered the pub, Daekans calmed down immediately.


I didn't have amnesia. But I wasn't able to communicate with them unfortunately. They didn't understand Arthdal alphabet and I didn't understand theirs. Learning how to write again seemed to be boring as hell. And I wasn't a little kid.

"He will slowly get his memory back. That's why you need to help him" Tagon continued, putting a hand on my shoulder. I took a next sip of beer, clenching my fingers on the glass.

"He doesn't remember anything?"

"It looks like he only remembers Tanya" said Tagon. Mugwang sighed loudly.

"That florist bitch?" he asked. He shouldn't have called her like that. She was a Niruha... At least in Arthdal.

Mugwang grabbed my shoulder, shaking his head. He looked irritated.

"Listen, just forget about her" he said silently, not wanting Tagon to hear that. He leaned against me a little. "You shouldn't meet with her. She's crazy, don't you see it? My nephew has already lost his mind for her, so at least you stay away from her" he said.

But who was his nephew? He ment, Mubaek's son? Did Mubaek have a son? I had no idea about it. So Tanya and Mubaek's son were close? Who was he? I took a bigger sip of beer, thinking about it intensively. I had to meet Tanya again. I just felt that I had to do it, no matter what.

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