Chapter 1

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Arthdal wasn't a safe place, espiecially after Tanya bacame our High Priest. What was ridiculous. I couldn't believe that Tagon oredered me to follow her everywhere she went, moreover, guard her. Tagon was the only one Niruha for me and I was really forcing myself to be near Tanya since she was able to read my mind. 

Dealing with Tanya was also really tiring, becasue that girl didn't match here so much. Her clumsiness was unbelieveble. I had to catch her several times everytime she stumbled beacuse of the long dress. The stairs were the most challanging for her and the most iritating for me. But I had to obey Tagon's orders no matter how difficult task he'd give me. 

Ms Loved By Everyone Niruha decited to go for a walk and since I was her personal guard I had to follow her due to order I recieved. She wasn't a slave any longer but our High Priest, so even Tagon wasn't able to forbid her to do it. The weather was terrible so I thought Tanya will give up. But she didn't. 

"If you don't want to go, you don't need to" she said. 

She heard my thoughts again. It was really awkward sometimes, especially when she heard something I didn't want her to hear. I couldn't leave her alone. She could escape or get hurt. There were too many people in Arthdal who hated her since she bacame the High Priest. 

Clouds darkened the whole Arthdal, making it look gloomy. It was going to rain, I knew it since we left the Shrine, but Tanya acted like she didn't see what was going on around her. She ignored the cold wind which was blowing like a crazy and dark clouds above our heads. I couldn't believe that she liked this weather. It was impossible, even for such a weird girl like she was. 

"The blowing wind makes me feel free" she said silently, raising her hand slowly. She moved her fingers like she was trying to grab an invisible hand. I was sure she heard me again. The blowing wind makes me feel free. What a nonsense! "I pity you" Tanya said sudennly, looking at me. 

"You pity me?" 

"Yes, I turly pity you. You are a heartless warrior who can only take orders. You have no idea what other people feel. What I feel" she said.

The flowing hair covered her face so she tucked it behind her ear clumsily. Her cheeks were red. It wasn't only a blush but something I couldn't name. Emotions I didn't know and I didn't even want to know. 

"Let's go back."

I was sure Tanya heard it as well, but this time she ignored me, pissing me off even more. She turned around as if my thoughts were only howling wind. Being here was quite risky. Tanya was doing Tagon's enemies a favor, showing herself here. Words weren't able to describe well her stupidity. I decided to force her to go back to Shrine. I grabbed the sleeve of her white dress, pulling it towords me. She stumbled, making a clumsy step and falling into my arms. I didn't want to waste more time. 

"Don't move."

Tanya froze, looking into my eyes. We weren't alone. Thanks to her silly walk someone had to follow us. I drew my sword immediately, covering her by my body. I wasn't sure if she was able to hear me, but I hoped she was. 

"Run as fast as you can and don't turn back."

The chain sound behind my back meant that she wrapped it around her hand, not wanting to let me go. It was too late to be scared. I had a task to complete and I didn't want to give up. 

The hooded man showed himself, coming out of the darkness. There was a dagger in his hand but it wasn't his only weapon. Tanya trembled, trying to hide herself behind me as if I was a shield. If Tagon tell me to be a shield I will be an unbreakble shield and defeat every single enemy who will try to get in my way. I raised slowly my sword, watching carefully the hooded stranger. He came closer, being ready to attack at any moment. 

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