Because I love you

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They bid a fond farewell to Beth and Tilly with heartfelt promises of returning to visit in the better weather. Jack drove down to Jac's abandoned car and towed it to the local garage and so it was they were soon on their way back to Holby.
Alone in the car heading back to their normal life they were both uncharacteristically quiet.
After about 20 minutes, Fletch tentatively placed his hand on Jac's thigh
She didn't flinch which he took to be a good sign and in fact she seemed to relax and breathe a sigh of relief.
"You ok?" He ventured.
"I'm ok" she placed her hand on his. "I'm ok honestly" she turned to him briefly and smiled
"I'm really nervous" he said
"My driving's not that bad"
"You know what I mean"
He gently squeezed her thigh
"Has this really happened? Am I allowed to touch you, kiss you, tell that you that I lo...that I think the world of you. Tell you that you're the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing  I think about at night"
"You're so soppy Fletch, don't start crying and snotting all over my car"
"Oh you love it" he said
Unable to stifle her laugh Jac agreed with him. She did love it and she loved him. She mentally rolled her eyes at herself
"So" she said
"So" he repeated
"So. How shall we handle this at work?"
"You're probably not going to agree to this but I just want to roll with it, not hide it but not advertise it either. I imagine though that you and your reputation are going to want to hide it. Keep me as a guilty little secret. I'm fine either way"
Guilty little secret - well that's how Jac would normally handle such a situation but this time was different
"I wanna roll with it Fletch"
Fletch's heart swelled but he casually said "OK"
Both their phones started to beep with messages and voicemails
"Oi oi,receptions back then" Fletch said scrolling through messages "Sacha asking if I was with you. Evie asking for a tenner" he paused
"What. Who texted?" Jac asked
"Just wanted to know I was safe"
"That's all. Friendly concern"
"Jac surely you're not jealous"
"No"she said indignantly even though it was true
"You are jealous"
Jac let out a frustrated sigh "ok yes I'm jealous. I can't stand the thought of you with anyone else"
"Well that's good because I don't want to be with anyone else. Never did, but when it wasn't going to happen between us I thought what the hell. She knew it that's why she ended it. My heart wasn't in it because she wasn't you"
"I'm sorry I didn't give in to this sooner. Forgive me?"
"Always. You can throw what you like at me I will always take it. Because I love you"

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