Be The Girl For My Crush (Chapter 1)

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Dinggg donggg
"Micah! Open the door!" Mom shouted from the kitchen. I sighed and annoyingly opened the door and was greeted by a suffocating bear hug. Sigh Ofcourse it's just my best friend who insisted we must go to school at same time thats why she's here.

"Geezzzz Ava! When will you stop your bear hug thingy? I thought I was gonna die!" I said grumpily while pinching her chubby cheeks. She slapped my hand away "Geezzz Micah that hurt! And nope I won't stop my LOVABLE bear hug!" She then stomped her way in the kitchen and there she goes chit chatting with my mom.

By the way let me introduce myself (clears throat) My name is Micah Goerge and I am turning 17 this year, it's actually tomorrow, I'm in grade 11 senior high school bow to me juniors! (Laughs evilly) I'm just joking let's not forget my chubby best friend Ava Lee and yes she's half-asain her age is 18, same grade and section, although she's chubby she's really beautiful. If you want I can give you her number *wink, wink*. Maybe this introduction is enough.

"Micah! Come on let's eat!" Ava shouted making me run to the kitchen. Don't judge I'm starving. "Mmm mom they look delicious!" I said while sniffing the air around the kitchen and looking at the food cooked by her. "Well thank you dear! Enough talking and dig in you don't wanna be late to class right?" Mom said while waving her spoon at me. "Ava come on lets eat I totally don't wanna be late!" I shouted at Ava making her nod her head and grabbed some food while I ate mine as fast as I can.

Time Skip

"Thank goodness we're not late!" I said while opening the classroom door which is already filled by our classmates. "Well somebody decided she wants a second of her food which made us nearly late." Ava said teasingly. "Hey! I was really hungry ok!?" I shouted making Ava laugh at me and our classmates look at us. Embarrassed, I grabbed Ava's hand and hurriedly walked to our seats, we sit next to each other, I grumpily sat on my chair and glared at Ava as she smirks at me. What a nice best friend I thought sarcastically.

The school bell rings stating that its lunch break. "Thank God! Sir Mike( Math teacher) is really boring babbling all about numbers!" I said while stretching. Ava suddenly appeared at my face startling me making me fell off my chair "You know you must listen very well on his subject 'cuz your failing!" She stated while pointing at me. Gosh I hate you who invented Math! "If you hate math that means you hate school and if you hate school you don't have a bright future!" Ava suddenly says making me look at her puzzled. "Did I say that out loud?" I blurted out. Ava looked at me grinning "Yes you did!" Sighing, I stood up then grabbed my bag "Ava let's just go eat! I'm starving cuz of that stupid Math!" I said and stomped my way to the school cafeteria "So you were listening!" Ava shouted while catching up with me "whatever" I said and sat on the first vacant table my eyes laid at then took my lunch out of my bag.

Ava came just in time holding her tray full of food from the school cafeteria yuck. "Awweee man I forgot to prepare my lunch and now I'm forced to eat this!" I said teasing Ava cuz I know that's what she's thinking. "Hey! I know they're not that good but they're not that bad either." Ava said pouting, now she's acting cute. "Fine I'll share some of my lunch with you." I said grudgingly but then smiled a little after seeing her face beam. "Micahhhhhh thank you, you're the best ever!" She said and then we proceeded to eat.

"Hey Calix!" Someone shouted making me stop eating my lunch and look at the direction where it came from. There he is being buddy buddy with his friends. Calix Jeong a handsome and really attractive half-Korean and half-American guy, same year as me but not same class. Yes, I have a crush on him since  first day of school I saw him here at the schools cafeteria and that's why I like eating my lunch here cuz apparently he always eat his here with his friends too. "-----cah Micah!" Ava shouted bringing me back and glared at her "What?!" "Your staring too much! If you won't eat your lunch then I will!" She said while grinning at me. Ava knows I like him and I also know she likes Kieran Brown a handsome and attractive Canadian guy but Calix scores more for me. I just grinned and proceeded to eat my food when suddenly someone was hovering at our table making me and Ava look up and see who it is then our jaws drop.

"Hi, I'm Cullen Grey I was wondering if I could sit here with you guys cuz there's no other vacant table and yours isn't full." Damn a smoking hot and handsome guy wants to sit and eat lunch with us! "Oh! Yeah sure! Sit with us!" Ava said loudly pulling me out of my trance and nod my head. He sat down next to Ava, although he's really very attractive it doesn't mean we're already drawn to him we were just shocked that someone like him is now sitting with us! I bet his famous I thought then ate my food. "Thanks a lot guys, what are yours names by the way?" Cullen said while eating his food. "My names Ava Lee, she's Micah Goerge and we're in grade 11 same class, our strand is STEM." Ava said with food in her mouth oh come on Ava! "Oh nice! We're the same grade but different strand. Mine is ABM." He said smiling making us smile back but I blushed when I made eye contact with Calix. Omg! I didn't notice he and his friends are sitting at the table infront of me! I was about to tell Ava about it but stopped when she suddenly held my hand while blushing so hard. "Omg! Micah! I made eye contact with him!" She whisper shouted, I gave her the I'm confused look and was about to look at my back but was stopped by Ava grabbing my face making me look at her! "Don't! It's Kieran!" She whisper shouted again making me pissed cuz damn her grip is so strong! I pinched her cheeks hard "Ouch!" Ava blurted while holding her cheeks. "I made eye contact with Calix too." I said calmly while holding my cheeks "Next time dont ever do that!" I said pissed at her making her grin "Well if I didn't I would have been found out!" She said teasingly, damn this girl. "Uhm what's going on?" Someone suddenly said making me and Ava have the ops we forgot about him look at each other. "We will tell you only if you keep it a secret!" I said looking at him with arms crossed and he nodded "Don't worry I won't." He said smiling, me and Ava nodded at each other then faced him, I started "So the thing is we have a crush and---" I stopped making Ava continue "Awhile ago I made eye contact with my crush and same goes with Micah." She finished and it made us blush cuz we remembered it suddenly. Cullen looked back and forth at us "May I know who these guys are?" He blurted out making us debate if we should tell him or not. Sighing I just decided I will tell him "Mine is Calix Jeong and her's is-" I got cut off when Ava covered my mouth pissing me off again "He's Kieran Brown." She continued and removed her hand from my face. Dammit I hate it when she does that! Cullen chuckled "Well I know this might surprise you but I'm Gay." He blurted out making us shocked, Ava froze and so did I, the "IM GAY" echoed at my mind so many times I can't even count after a minute or so I finally snapped out of my trance same with Ava. "Your Gay? Really? Damn! Your so damn smoking hot, handsome and all!" Ava said making me nod "You must have broke a lot of girls hearts!" I said laughing while imagining girls that fell for him cry.  "Maybe I did but hey don't tell it to anyone!" He said while laughing nervously making Ava and I realize he's still in the closet "Ofcourse we wont!" We said at same time making him smile "I trust you." He said rubbing his neck "I think we should go, 15 minutes and lunch is over." I said after checking the time "Sure! But Cullen we should exchange numbers cuz from this day on your out friend!" Ava said facing Cullen with her phone on his face making me laugh "Su-sure!" Cullen said taking Ava's phone and saving his number "Okay! We'll text you." Ava said making me nod while Cullen smiled, we then proceeded to dispose Ava's tray of food and made our way to our classroom, after a minute or so class started.

"Finally! Its time to go home!" We all shouted making our last teacher look pissed and rush out of our classroom. Damn the look on her face hah! "Micah! Lets go!" Ava shouted standing at our classrooms door I made my way to her fast" Race you!" I shouted startling her "Game on!" She shouted then I ran as fast as I could with her catching up with me *bam!* My butt suddenly made contact with the ground making he hiss in pain and making Ava stop beside me "Watch where you're going and no running in the halls!" A pissed off voice said making me look up and Ava freeze. Calix is standing right in front of me looking pissed and soaked with water! I looked at Ava and we had the same look oh shit!

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