Chapter 2

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"Wahhhh!!!!" I shouted from the top of my lungs with my face buried in my pillow. Ava and I looked so dumb and stupid about what happened earlier! He was so pissed but damn, it was also a nice view *drooling face* ugh! What the hell am I thinking! Sadly, he's already taken and seems madly in love.


Oh shit! Ava stood frozen while I am still looking up shocked and we both don't know what to say! After a minute or so I finally stood up and tried hard to find my voice damnit! When I did "I-I-I am so sorry!" Gosh! That came out so stupid! I heard him sigh and was about to talk but got cut off by a girl running towards us I mean him! "Calix! Babe!" She shouted and hugged him from behind but pulled away quickly "Omg! Babe why are you wet?" She exclaimed exaggeratedly *rolls eyes* "Well someone wasn't looking where they're going and worst, was running." He said sarcastically while glaring at me but seemed to calm down when she held his hand "Let's just go babe you have a spare clothes in your locker anyway right? Or we could just go to your house?" He looked at her and grinned sexily and whispered something to her making her blush. They walked past me heading straight to the exit, horny jerks. "Hey!" I jumped and looked at where it came from and it is Ava, damn I forgot she's here. "Yeah?" I asked "We should get going." She said sadly and I just nodded.

Ugh! Its so silent and awkward between me and Ava because of that incident earlier. "So he has a girlfriend huh." Ava finally said breaking the silence "Yeah, he really does." I answered while thinking back of how he easily calmed down because of his gf and she's gorgeous, they look good together. "But I still got to enjoy the view earlier though!" I said grinning making Ava laugh her ass off "I knew you were gonna say that!" We continued talking and laughing for a while "Ok! I arrived home safely, make sure you also do!" I said to Ava making her smile and nod her head before continuing her way home. She lives only a few blocks away from our house. Sighing I ran straight to my room and jumped on my bed.

Back to Present

I can't still forget that fucking incident and how he and his girlfriend flirted! Now that I think about it, are they doing that right now? I bet he looks hot damnnn *blushes then shakes head* geezz I'm sure I have the dirtiest mind ever but I cant help it! I'm so jealous of her, she gets to be lovey dovey with him whenever and wherever they may be. All my life never once have I ever got the attention of the ones I like and that incident was a total blow! Whatever, at least I know that I'm gonna die single tomorrow, joke! No way in hell that I'm gonna die at such an early age and I wanna experience love too! *fake cries* okay! Enough with the drama I need to study!

Ugh!! I still don't get it! Math is so damn confusing and it becomes more confusing as time goes by! *looks at the clock* Damn I studied for 2 hours already and I'm still stuck in math subject, should I just call Ava? No, she must be busy right now I should just go and see what mom is up to.

"Ohhh did my baby decided to come and help mommy?" Mom immediately blurted out as soon as she sees me making me roll my eyes "Mom stop calling me baby!" I said while sniffing the air around the kitchen "Mmm smells nice." I blurted out making mom chuckle "Well, I decided to cook an egg pie cause its your favorite and your birthday is also tomorrow." "Thank you mom." I was about to walk to my chair but stopped startled because my annoying 15 year old brother ran fast in the kitchen and sat on the chair I was gonna take *pissed off face* "Mommy! I want that egg pie now!" He shouted making mom chuckle "Kace, I know your hungry but wait for ten minutes." Mom said and patted my brother's head making him pout, I stomped my way to the chair in front of him and sat down "Kace, you know you should stop that behavior besides your already 15." I told him angrily and he just whipped his head away from me with his arms crossed and pouted lips, my brother might be 15 but he really acts like a kid sometimes.

"Mmmm this tastes so good." I said while eating my egg pie "Hmph you know sis? Your getting fat!" Kace said making me glare at him "And you are still a child I see." I told him sassily while giving him an innocent look "Same goes for you sis!" He said grinning like a brat, gosh I swear I'm gonna punch this shit someday. I finished my egg pie and stuck my tongue out on my brother which he returned to me making me laugh at him cause he looked silly. "Mom, I'm going to my room right now." I said to mom after brushing my teeth which she answered with a nod and goodnight but before I made my way to my room I kicked my brother's leg under the table and ran away. "Mom! She kicked my leg!" I heard him scream making mom scream for my name I shut my bedroom door and collapsed at my bed laughing, that felt really good!

After calming myself I decided to ring up Ava "Hey Micah!" She said excitedly, she must have some news to say.
"Hey to you too, I was kinda bored and called you, so why do you sound so excited?"
"I have a good news to say!" I knew it!
"Oh come on it's probably just an annoying story!" *rolls eyes*
"Nahh its not, its from Cullen!" Oh yeah how could I forget about him.
"Oh okay say it then what is it?" I asked kind of excited.
"Cullen said there's gonna be a party at his house tomorrow night!" She said probably jumping.
"Uh huh and?" I asked impatiently.
"We are invited to go and also we can invite some friends too."
"Ohh that's quite nice! So are you gonna go?" Because I wont if she won't.
"Ofcourse I am! Hey. Maybe you can invite your brother too!"
"Yeah maybe I will but any idea who else is invited?"
"Nopeee I don't! Its a party so we don't need to know." She said while laughing at me probably thinking Im stupid.
"Yeah yeah whatever, by the way send Cullen's number to me."
"Sure! So lets go to sleep then its already 10 pm ." She said sounding tired, already?
"Ok ok goodnight!" I told her and hung up, a few minutes later I heard my message ringtone and sure enough its Cullen's number sent by Ava I tossed my phone beside me and let darkness envelope me not forgetting tomorrow is my birthday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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