**Silly things you guys do alone together**

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A/N: Hey, my dudes. My friend Brooks has been complaining to me about how he wants more followers. And, me being the person I am, decided to ask you guys to follow him. It would mean a lot to him and I. His account is Brooksworm. Thank you!


Whenever you guys hear an Ice Cream truck both of you will run out, knocking younger kids over in the process to beat them to the front of the line.

You guys will dance in the most ridiculous way possible to the most obnoxious rap music to ever be recorded and released.

You guys will try to make the other person laugh when they have a mouthful of water in their mouth. Whoever laughs first had clean up the mess afterwards. Let's just say that you ended cleaning after every round.

You guys have pillow fights and one time Belch went too big your face and hit a light above your head. It shattered and while he cleaned it up you laughed at how ridiculous his mistake was.

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