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Grumblegard saw Dak stumble into the clearing and fall down, saying that there was an intruder on the island. Rage welled up inside the Foreverhorn. HIS ISLAND. INTRUDER. 

It had better not be one of those Slinkwings again. 

He lifted his giant wings and flew into the air.

The trees below him blew in the wind created by his massive wingbeats. He paused, searching for the intruder.

It didn't take long for him to find it.

Roars and blasts were coming from the a clearing of Wonderwood trees. A flash of blue flew into the air. He soared down, and saw the fighting dragons. The intruder had green scales and a mane of black hair. It looked almost... familiar.

Like he'd seen that dragon somewhere before.

He ignored that thought and spiraled down, landing on the ground with a loud thump that shook the earth and knocked the two dragons down. The green one growled at him, and Winger flew up behind Grumblegard, not wanting to get caught in his huge winds.

"What are you doing on my island?" Grumblegard growled. The dragon made no response, instead launching itself at the Foreverhorn. 

"GET. OFF. MY. ISLAND!!!!" Grumblegard shouted. He lifted his wings and slammed them together, creating a massive gust of wind that sent the dragon flying off the island.

HIS island.

"And stay out" he muttered, stalking back towards his cave.

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